17. Say You Like Me

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It'd been a week and a half. Kai sat outside the arcade waiting for her to show up on the seventh day. She never did. He didn't know where she was. He had hoped she would show up early but she wasn't even there on time.

He assumed she'd made her decision. He figured she decided to stay away and he actually really hated it. He hated being without her. Before being alone was bearable. He didn't know anyone worth missing, but now that he knew Penelope he couldn't help it.

He rode his car down a street when his vision clouded suddenly. He was hit with an immense pain. It didn't gather in one spot but it affected his entire body. He yelped. "What's happening?" He called out as if someone would answer. He ended up hitting a tree and he passed out.

He took a deep breath. He looked around and saw Penelope screaming in pain. "Stop!" She yelped. "Help! Help please!" She called out as she cried flexing every bit of her muscle as if she didn't have any choice.

He went to her and when he went to grab her he was forced awake.

He looked around and groaned. He was splattered with a bit of blood. "What the hell?" He asked himself looking at the blood before he realized.

Penelope, he thought, Oh God. He immediately began to look for her. He tried to remember the vision he had. It was like the one before when Penelope said another force was hurting her.

He remembered the man's warning if she tried to leave again he'd kill her. That meant she tried to leave. He was hurt that she'd even think of leaving without him, but it hurt worse to know she was dying.

He thought hard about the dream, or whatever it was. There was a sign. He'd seen it before, it wasn't that far away. He started running. His ankle was definitely twisted but he was filled with too much adrenaline to really notice.

He found her laying on the ground seemingly untouched. She was passed out in the street. "Penelope." He spoke as he looked at her concerned. Her hair was a mess. She wore a normal outfit and the closer he looked the more he realized she had bruises up and down her legs and arms. He wondered what happened.

"P, wake up. I'm here, you're safe." He commented as he picked her up bridal style. He couldn't just leave her on the street. She laid there motionless in his arms as he started to feel pain in his ankle. He pushed through the pain as he walked further towards a hotel.

He was practically red hot when he got to the hotel. All the weight on his hurt ankle was a lot, especially when Penelope was completely limp.

He managed to get into a room and as he went inside she woke up. She looked up at Kai and let out a relieved breath as her face began to sadden. He placed her on the bed and she winced.

"Are you okay?" He asked worried.

She looked up at him and wrapped her arms around him as he sat next to her on the bed, his foot throbbing.

"I should've never left. I'm sorry." She apologized as she held him crying.

"No don't apologize. You had to I get it." He replied holding onto her. He missed touching her, he missed having her close.

"No, I-" She started looking at him as tears streamed down her face.

"Just lay down and rest. You're all beat up." He told her as she nodded laying her head on the pillow. She wiped her eyes and he looked at her. "I wish I could've protected you." He commented as she looked at him.

"No, no this was all me." She shook her head. "It was my fault."

"Did you try to leave?" He asked after a pause. "Did you try to get out of here without me?"

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