2. Move Along

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"So how about you answer my questions." Penelope, or Pepper, asked crossing her arms.

"Okay well this is my prison world, we went over that. Um, about a week ago there was this bright light in the distance and I decided to follow it. Apparently it was you showing up here. And we also went over who I am." He replied recalling all of her questions.

"I'm just- how- Why are you here?" She asked looking at him.

"I could tell you." He thought for a moment. "But I like the suspense of you slowly figuring it out on your own."

"Slowly-" She sighed. "Why?" She asked him as he smiled lightly.

"I don't get a lot of visitors- any really- so I want to make this interesting." He replied as she turned around and went for another book thinking. Who the hell was this guy? He was nice, but he was annoying as hell. If he's in a prison world made specifically for him, then he had to do something worth getting him here. For now though she was just going to figure out the spell.

She grabbed some books and looked through them. "I heard you saying something earlier. It was the spell that sent you here right?" He asked as she stopped and turned back to see he had gotten closer.

"The same one sent you?" She asked her hazel eyes widening at his knowing blue ones.

"Yeah. And before you try to counteract it, you can't." He spoke as she furrowed her brows. "I already tried."

"You're a witch?" She asked standing up.

"Sort of." He replied with a shrug.

"Sort of?" She asked crossing her arms.

"I'm a siphoner. Let me explain." He spoke as he grabbed her arm and began siphoning her magic.

"Ow! Stop!" She yelled as she grabbed her talisman and allowed her hand to turn into one with claws. She scratched the side of his stomach and looked at him as her eyes became a golden color. "Don't touch me freak!" She yelled as he packed up and laughed.

"Woah woah. Me a freak? What the hell was that with your eyes?" He asked angrily as he held his bloody side.

"Just- Leave me alone." She looked at him agitated, her eyes going back to normal. "I'm busy."

"Well you won't be able to get out of here so don't even bother." He spat angrily as he walked out.

She watched him go and she wanted to say something. She wanted to tell him not to leave her alone because she didn't like it. Honestly though she didn't really like him either. He was snarky and he tried to hurt her. No one just casually got away with that.

He got out of sight and she went back to looking. All she did was look.

About a week had gone by and she was starting to believe Kai.

She wasn't sure if she was happy he was gone or not. He had tried to hurt her which triggered her beyond compare, but she didn't like being alone.

Part of her was happy to finally be away from everyone who hated her. Of course she almost had that before they locked her here. And although she loved being away from them, it didn't mean she didn't want to see other people. Part of her just wanted someone to see across the street and acknowledge her presence. It was hard to deal with.

She didn't know that Kai had been watching her. He wasn't trying to be creepy, he was just trying to figure her out. She seemed like a good person. He wondered what she did. Killing her whole family was basically off the table because she was nothing like him. One thing that did remind him of himself was that she never once cried.

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