1. Sugar, We're Goin Down

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"You're a servant of nature, Penelope." Her father spoke. "In order to keep you safe you have to learn how to wield magic."

"I know. I've been doing the best I can." Penelope replied looking at him. She loved magic. She loved how she felt in the beginning, but after a lesson, she wished she was anything else then the person she was.

"Yes and we'll keep practicing until you get it. You will be the greatest." He spoke forcefully as Penelope gulped and nodded. "Do you understand?"

"Yes daddy, I understand." She replied and that's what she did. He made her practice until she was weak, until she could barely stand. Every day she had to go through this. She was only nine and had been doing it for three years. Her nose began to bleed and she stopped chanting to breathe.

"Just untie the knot. It's not difficult!" He yelled at her. It was a sanguinem knot. It wasn't an easy spell to say the least. It was meant for strong witches who had grown in their magic. Penelope was too young to even grasp at it.

"I'm trying. It hurts." She spoke crying as she wiped the blood off her nose. Her head was pounding and her vision was starting to blur.

He grabbed her wrist and squeezed it as she cried. "No! No crying. You have to try harder!" He slammed his hand on the table after letting hers go and the nine year old jumped. "If you don't get this then what will the coven think of you? You'll be a disgrace to everyone!" He scolded as she wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She spoke softly. "I just am so tired."

"You can sleep when you learn." He spat and she nodded.

She began to try and untie it once again but this was one too many. She started to fall on the ground and she couldn't move her body. She breathed heavily and became frightened.

"You're weak! You may be part wolf, but you'll be nothing if you don't learn magic! You are worth-" Her dad scolded before out of nowhere a wolf plowed down the door of the shed and ripped her father to pieces. She watched and backed against a wall. Instead of being scared, she watched and started to calm down.

This meant she was free. Free from his scolding and his forcefulness. His blood splattered all across the room. Some landed on her arm and she looked at it. She looked back up to the wolf as it mangled the leftover flesh that used to look like the abusive witch that had raised the raven haired hybrid.

And in the moment when the wolf finished it looked at Penelope. Despite the horrid scene that played out in front of her she looked back at the wolf and smiled.

Penelope was screaming in pain when all the sudden the pain stopped. She was laying on the ground with her nose bleeding. Although the rain, which had suddenly stopped, wiped most of it off. She opened her eyes and noticed the sky clear.

She gave her body a second to adjust, tying to remember what happened. The hazel eyed girl had been ambushed. She had just finished the spell to make the Talisman. It would allow her to turn into a wolf whenever she wanted.

It was a black kyanite necklace. The kyanite would balance the human version from the werewolf version allowing her to choose what she wanted to be. Most people didn't like the becoming the wolf, but she did and she was glad they didn't take the necklace from her too.

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