7. She Hates Me

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Pepper went to a dressing room to try on some of the clothes she picked out. She went to sit on the bench in the dressing room after turning on the light. When she got down she heard the crumble of the paper and pulled it out of her back pocket.

She sat back crossing her legs when she saw the story and looked at it for a moment. She saw a name that peaked her interest. Parker. That was in fact Kai's last name, which she didn't think much about until right now.

She started reading the article. Four children killed, the eldest still missing. The eldest named Malachai Parker. Her heart picked up its pace. The children were brutally murdered. It wasn't hard to piece it together. Kai killed his siblings.

He talked about how he didn't like his family. She really believed he couldn't have offed them for it, but that was the only option. "Penelope?" She heard as her eyes widened. "Penelope I know you're in here." Kai added as his steps got closer. Penelope's hands started to sweat.

He wouldn't hurt her would he? I mean he hadn't already. Then again why was she so worried? She did the same thing. Something about him though, using it as a game. That wasn't normal. So how could she be sure? She hid the newspaper under the seat and locked the door.

"Pepper?" Kai asked hearing the click of the lock. She cursed to herself for making noise. "Are you in here?" He spoke as he got closer.

She sat closer back against the wall as she heard him stop. Her heart was still racing and she gripped onto her necklace. She could see his feet under the door.

"I'm sorry, P." He called out. She looked at the door shocked. "I didn't realize how bad your situation was. I'm sorry for assuming it didn't matter." He apologized and Pepper remembered that's why she left in the first place. "I understand that you're mad. I just wanted you to know." Kai added rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. it wasn't that he felt bad for making her upset, he just wanted to make sure he wasn't alone again.

Pepper stood up to open the door. She reached her hand out and waited a moment. She opened the handle and looked up to Kai. "Do you accept my apology?"

She nodded once. "You're a jerk." She told him. "And you don't deserve forgiveness." She added. "But right now something's out to get me and if I don't have you, I could die." She explained grabbing her clothes, thinking maybe him being there could mean she would die as well. "So how about we go back to your house and not talk for a couple of days?"

"I just apologized. Why are you still mad?" He asked confused. That was supposed to end the conflict. He didn't understand why she couldn't forgive him. That's how apologies worked right?

"Don't talk to me." She spoke as she started walking. "It's too much to handle." She added as her heart raced. It wasn't just the petty fight, the fact that he murdered four of his siblings, that's what was getting to her.

She rode in the car quietly and Kai looked at her as she looked out the window. He apologized, he did all he could, so why was she still mad? They got to the house and Penelope went straight to Jo's room with her bags of clothes and other things.

Kai sighed lightly. He didn't understand what he wanted to prove. He just knew that the first person here in- well in forever, he wanted her on his side.

So he did what he knew how to do. Cook. It was his prison world speciality. Pasta was his favorite, but he decided to make her favorite. Of course he didn't really consider making peanut butter and jelly cooking, but hey, she said it was her favorite and he didn't want her to hate him.

When dinner time came he made two of the girls favorite sandwich and decided to put a few pork rinds on the side of both of the plates. He put them on the table and went to her room knocking lightly on the door.

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