9. Scars

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It had been about two months since Kai and Penelope saw each other. They'd stayed away from each other and they both were content with themselves for a while. Penelope realized being alone heightened her anxiety. She'd hear the slightest creak, a gust of wind at night, and her heart would race.

She was scared of what she couldn't see, what could be watching her around the corner. That man from her visions was a common reoccurring thought.

Before she felt better when she was alone. Being alone was when she felt best to be honest, but now, it was anything but that. Now, being alone put her in danger instead of the other way around.

She even tried to destroy a few things. She ended up demolishing an entire house and she even

Her hands were cold as she sat in her house that morning. She decided it was time for some groceries. It'd been a while. She got to the grocery store and started looking for what she needed and wanted. She never had the chance to get the food she wanted and she realized there were so many things that were better than peanut butter and jelly. Her favorite was the taquitos. A close second being donuts which she could not believe were so good.

She walked down the aisle with her buggy going down the chip aisle. She picked up some Fritos and kept walking. When she got to the end of the aisle another buggy ran into hers. She looked to see Kai.

He turned away from her and kept walking. She looked at him agitated. The first time they've seen each other in two months and he does this? She was angry. Of course Kai was just following her note. "Nice to see you too." Penelope called out.

"What was that?" He asked turning around to the girl.

"Kiss my ass." He called our to her.

"I'd love to." He winked with a smirked pissing her off more. Yes he wanted to make her smile all that time ago, now he wasn't sure. This was way more amusing. Penelope scoffed about to turn around. "What are you doing for Christmas?" Kai asked as she looked at him confused. "It's in three days. Do you not keep a calendar?" Kai asked curiously.

"I don't celebrate Christmas." She replied.

"Are you Jewish?" He asked.

"No my mom didn't let me celebrate. She said I wasn't worthy of presents." She replied. "It's just another day for me."

"Christmas is just another day?" He asked shaking his head. "I can't just let you not celebrate."

"Yeah actually you could." She replied looking at him crossing her arms.

"Okay fine." He sighed turning around.

Penelope looked at him angrily. "Why do you do that?" She asked as he stopped.

"Do what?" He asked turning around.

"Act like an ass." She replied.

He let out a chuckled scoff. "Because you act like a brat." He answered.

"Are you actually this way or do you do it just to piss me off?" She asked tilting her head.

"If you come to my Christmas party I'll tell you." He smirked before turning around and walking away.

"Ass." Penelope whispered before going back to shopping. What was with the change of attitude? She didn't understand it. She wasn't going to lie though, she wanted to be with him. Not because of him really, but because she was scared to be alone. She'd never admit that to him of course.

Time went by and of course she decided being with him would be better than being alone. She had time to blow off steam, they both did, and as hard as it was both of them had issues with staying alone when they knew someone else could be there for them.

Every Breath You Take {A TVD Fanfic}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن