11. My Own Worst Enemy

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"How about monopoly?" Kai asked curiously.

"No something where I don't have to think." She spoke as he took a breath.

"Okay so that's basically every board game of the table." He spoke as she groaned.

"My head hurts. Why didn't you stop me from drinking all that eggnog?" She whined lightly.

"You were smiling and having a good time which I enjoyed." He explained.

"So personal benefit once again." She groaned.

"Did you miss the part where I said you had a good time? I've literally never seen you happy. If it took a little bourbon to get you there then I'll take it." He told her. "It's better than your depressed state the whole time."

"Stop judging me, okay? I have reason to be upset." She told him.

"We talked about this though. You need to get out of the past." He told her.

"Your past makes you who you are. It's just fact." She told him.

"But the future is what guides you." He replied as she looked at him.

"When the hell did you become some wise guy?" She asked confused.

"When I decided you'd be better as a friend than an enemy." He replied as she nodded.

"Good choice if I say so myself." She replied with a sigh. "Maybe I'll just take a nap." She spoke holding her hand on her head.

"Okay." He nodded to her. "I'll set up your pager for you."

"I forgot about that. Thanks." She got comfortable.

"Yeah. You're welcome." He replied. No one had been thankful for him, like ever. He was always a freak and Penelope was the same way. That's what made them so close. That's what made them understand each other.

When Kai would see someone he wanted to kill them. Maybe that was the reason he followed her that first week, to see if she was a good target. He was itching for a kill. After being without her all that time and being able to know who she truly was, he had different plans. She wasn't normal, she wasn't like everyone else, she was like him. And anyone that was like him, who felt pain like him, was worthy enough of him. He hoped that she felt the same.

He sat next to her as she slept for a while. She didn't snore, she was just quiet and still. He wanted to hold her like he did last night. It was oddly comforting. The feeling of someone else in your arms was nice, it was something he never had before and he hoped they'd do it again sometime soon.

While Kai sat next to her Penelope went into REM.

She walked around and was in a long hallway that was forever on both sides. "Hello." She called out but no one answered. "Hello?" She asked running down the hallway. She saw nothing and decided to turn around.

As soon as she did she saw her mom. She took a breath and looked at him. "Pepper." Her mom spoke walking closer to her as she backed up. "I can't believe what you've done, Pepper." She spoke emphasizing her name. "You killed me. You killed my husband. You killed my children." She spat.

"I'm your child." Pepper told her.

"You're basically a bastard. A mistake." She grumbled as Pepper backed up into someone.

She turned to see the man from her dream. He looked at her evilly. She turned around and her mother was gone.

"You'll never get out." He spoke as she started going backwards again the other way.

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