Chapter 36

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Soo hi? sorry for the extremely late update like its been like 2 years since i have last updated. :(( im not going to make excuse and i literally forgot to update thie story. :((

i was going through a lot when i suddenly decided to go on hiatus but after everything went okay (i guess?) i just lost inspiration to continue my story.

i really wanted to update this for a long time. i wasn't sure if my story is fine but i just realized this is my story so i could do what ever i want right? :((

and one more thing, i felt bad for leaving this book unfinished. ngl i cringed a lot with this story but it has a special spot in my heart so yeah i want to finish this.

the last time i wrote a story was literally the time i wrote last chapter so if you think my grammar and vocabulary went worse than already is - I'm sorry :((

But i want keep my words about ending this story (i don't make promise that ill end this fast but ill do my best to end this). So If anyone still reading this, enjoy reading💜and if my old readers read this, im sorry :((

Remember, BTS loves us uwu

(P. S- I really need to edit this story because its cringing me sksks)


"I don't even know what's wrong. But you're making me confused"

Haneul glared hearing his words, quickly pulling her hand away from Taehyung.

"I'm confusing you?? Wow. I'm minding my own business here and you have the audacity to say I'm confusing you? Really? in what way?" she scoffed in annoyance.

Taehyung scoffed back as he ruffed his hair in frustration-- not to her but to his self. He was frustrated with his own self. He doesn't even know why did he let those words come out from his mouth.

"You know what? forget it" Taehyung sighed as he walked past her, hurrying his way toward his house.

Haneul blinked staring at Taehyung with disbelief.

"You're insufferable" Haneul commented, Taehyung heard her but he ignored her and just kept walking.

Confused of what? It's not like she doesn't have any idea but she didn't want to assume anything.

It's nothing Haneul-ah she reminded to herself. while taking a deep breath. Trying to control her raising anger.


The two enter their house with completely silence, no one dared to say anything. No one made a noise sin ce Tae's family was already asleep. Or atleast, they're already in their rooms.

She decided to not to sleep in Taehyung's room so she walked to Taehee's room and knocked the door hoping that younger was still awake.

"Taehee-ah?" She called.

After few seconds, the younger opened the door. Haneul sighed in relief.

"Eonnie?" She questioned.

"Can I sleep here" she gave her a pleading smile.

Taehee blinked at her for a few seconds before she spoke, "Did you fought with Taetae oppa?"

"Nope" she responded reluctantly.

"Then my answer is same with your answer" Taehee gave her a smile as she attempted to close the door but Haneul held the door knob to stop the younger.

"How about yes?" She blurted out in panic.

The younger shook her head and smiled soflty, "Still no eonnie, go to oppa's room"

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