Chapter 14

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I don't even know what am I even doing with this story😂 

Anyway, we're having a full version of serendipity!! 💜 


"Are you hiding something from me?"

"What?" I asked timidly.

Taehyung stepped closer, looking deeply into my eyes.

"you have a habit of quivering and biting your lips when you wanted to cry" he said, that's the time I realize that I'm indeed shaking.

"Why you sad? Is it because of me?" His expression were soft but it still made me intimated

(A/N I don't know nan molla😂)

What do you mean 'because of me?' Because I have a feelings for you or because you've abandoned me.

But its my fault, I was the one who started the arguement

"Yah. I just don't feel well, it's cold. why would I be sad because of you?" I deadpanned.

I know I'm usually a terrible liar and People especially Taehyung don't buy my lies because I can't control my laughter. But I believe my impassive expression right now is enough to convince him.

Taehyung is literally with me for my whole life and he knows me like a back of his hand. So I need to keep my act plausible so that he'll believe me. I guess I succeeded with that.

Don't jump into a conclusion that I like you or something, please.

Taehyung chuckled,
"If you're not feeling well, You should have a rest. Instead you are going on a date with Jungkook" he scolded, while removing his school blazer. Handing it to me.

"It's not a date, but what should I do with that?" I raised an eyebrow. Glancing at his school blazer.

"Wear it pabo. You said you're feeling cold" Taehyung rolled his eyes.
Why would I be cold? It's still a middle September. But I took his jacket to avoid any suspicion.

I wrapped his oversized school blazer around me. The scent of his perfume making me relax and I could snuggle to it all day but of course, I won't do that.

And after, We had a bit awkward conversation while walking to our way home. we halted when we're in front of my house.

"Taehyung-ah?" Familiar voiced called behind us. We tilted our body to see
Eomma with a bag of grocery in her hand.

Taehyung smiled as he bowed.
"Annyeonghaseyo, Eomma" Taehyung greeted, showing his boxy smile.

Eomma smiled widely like Taehyung is her actual son.
"Omo Taehyung-ah. I haven't see you in weeks"

"I was busy with things" Taehyung chuckled timidly.

"How about you'll join us for a dinner? Our dish is your favorite jaepchae" Eomma smiled, raising the plastic bag up to her chest level. Taehyung's face lit up with the mention of his favorite food, he grinned widely and nodded.

My parents are really fond of Taehyung like Taehyung's parents are to me.

Our parents were bestfriends since middle school so that's why me and Tae knew each other since we are infants.

Our parents tease us that we should marry each other when we're old enough. They're shipping us. But their ship won't ever sail. Taehyung don't see me that way.

We went inside and Taehyung shamelessly went up straight to my room. As if it was his own room. I do the same when I'm in his house though.

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