Chapter 9

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Third person's POV

"Yah, Lee Haneul"
Haneul was lost in her own thoughts until Jungkook nudged her arm, snapping her back into her senses.

It's been two days since she had a arguement with Taehyung. Still no one dared to speak with each other. And Haneul doing her best to avoid him.

Right now, They are doing a pair work for their mathematics subject. Jungkook is her assigned partner. Since he was her seatmate.

"Sorry"  She smiled sheepishly, fixing her eyes to the question, she analyzed it and resumed her unfinished mathematical solution.

She's still in question one and Jungkook is three question ahead of her, already solving his last question.
They have given 10 mathematical question and they need to solve 5 questions each.

"What's with your down mood these days, where did my fierce seatmate went?" He asked, which made her froze. Jungkook's eyes still focused on the paper, still in the process of solving the equation.

"When do I ever became fierce?"
She chuckled, she's no where close to the fierce qualification.

In reality she is a coward, who hides her real feelings behind her words and expressions. A girl who has no guts to fight for the person she loves. A girl who just watch her bestfriend with his love. She's not fierce, rather she's vulnerable and coward.

That word suits on Minyoung, she thought, Thinking of her girl bestfriend, who's absent due to fever.

He shrugged.

"I don't know but you're mean sometimes" he grinned, showing his bunny teeth.

"No I'm not, how can you say that after being a kind seatmate to you" Haneul frowned, raising an eye brow.

Jungkook chuckled, "I'm sorry but will you please remind me when did you actually became a kind seatmate? I want exact date and time" He sneered, teasing her. Earning a smack on his arm.

"Shut up. And just solve the question"  Haneul spat back, trying to ignore him as she continue to solve.

"See? You're mean. By the way. I'm done" he gave a smug look, showing his finished paper in front of her eyes. She rolled her eyes in response.

"Then would you please be quiet and stop disturbing me" She took a deep breath in frustration, going to the next question.

"Time is running and you have exactly 15 minutes left"  Jungkook smirked as he tapped his wrist watch. Haneul's eye widen slightly.

"What the heck. I'm not going to make it" She whimpering why high school math have to be hard, but on the second thought,  it's your fault for not solving and spacing out Haneul.

"Yah. Give me the last one. I'll solve it" Jungkook volunteered. She didn't argue with it since time is already running. Both of them are top students and they can't take the risk losing points, even just for one question.

The teacher is very strict so they have to pass the paper once the time is up, finished or unfinished.

since Jungkook took the last question,
And Haneul increased her pace in solving, she's finally solving her last question.

Maybe it's true when people says your brain works fast if you're in a hurry.

She mentally complemented herself, while writing the final answer for the equation. She's proud of herself for solving difficult questions with in 15 minute.

"Phew. We're done" Jungkook stood up as he stretched his arm's to his side then He walked to the teacher as he pass the stapled paper to him.

for remaining 3 minutes, they waited for the bell to ring.

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