The rest of the day went away without any fiasco. Well, there was this small spat between my bestfriend and Jasper in the cafeteria over whom would I sit with(of course I choose Violet), but other than that everything was normal.

After school I walked upto the bookstore at the corner of the street where I worked part time. When I was given the oppurtunity to earn my own pocket money by getting a job, I immediately chose a bookstore. What's better than surrounding yourself with the scent of books?

I walked inside and greeted Kyle, the manager. He's a guy in his mid twenties and the bookstore was owned by his grandmother. She was too old now to look after it so she handed it over to her grandson. Kyle managed the bookstore with such grace that there hadn't ever been any complaints. And he was an excellent boss.

"Here comes my most favourite girl in the world." Kyle said and winked at me.

I laughed. "I guess your fiance's not around today. Enjoying the freedom to flirt?"

Kyle's smirk faltered and he scowled. I laughed and pinched his cheek. "Aww Kyle bear. Don't be so sad now."

"Whatever." Kyle muttered and went inside the store room.

I went behind the counter but suddenly stopped in my tracks. I had called Kyle 'Kyle bear'. Somehow it made me feel something I couldn't quite point out. What was it? Nostalgia? But why would I feel nostalgic about some nick name? I never met anyone named Kyle before.

This wasn't the first time this has happened to me. There has been many occasions where some small things would trigger this feeling within me. Like something was missing from my life. I could never quite get what it was and it would leave me feeling frustrated.

I shook my head to get rid off these thoughts. Focus. You're at work.

2 hours later as I stamped another book sold and smiled at the woman as she went out, I finally took a look at my watch. 3:50.

Shit. Mom would kill me. I had promised her I would help her with dinner. A new family has moved to the house next door and Mom being Mom, invited them for dinner. She told me they used to live there before but after there son went away for college, they sold away that house and moved to California. But now their son was back and they decided to get the old house back and move in. She also told me that their son used to babysit me and we were very close. Funny thing, I don't remember at all. When I told this to Mom, she was a bit upset about it. But what could I do? Maybe meeting that guy tonight, I would recognise him?

As I informed Kyle and started to go out, the door to the entrance opened and a tall man entered. He was most probably in his mid twenties and was dressed in a blue dress shirt and trousers. His hair was a dark brown colour, shiny and wavy. For some reason, I wanted to run my fingers through his hair. The man looked to be about 6 feet tall and was well built. Not too bulky, neither too skinny. My eyes roamed his entire physique and when they reached his face, my breath hitched. My heart was hammering inside my body and I had to grip the counter to steady myself.

The man had the most beautiful set of green eyes I had ever seen. They were this warm shade of green that enveloped me with a protective arm. I had never seen such a beautiful pair of eyes.Or had I? Something in his eyes looked familiar. His face contained a long, slender nose and medium sized lips, neither full nor too thin. His cheekbones glistened in the sunlight pouring in through the windows of the shop. I don't know for how long was I staring but the man cleared his throat and I was pulled out of my daydream.

"Y-yes." I stuttered. Foolish me.

" you have a copy of Aladdin?" The man's velvety voice sent a shiver down my spine. Not trusting myself to speak, I just nodded.

The man followed me to the shelf containing children's books. I got out the book and handed it to him. His fingers brushed past mine and I felt electricity going through me.

Get a hold on yourself, girl. You just met this guy. Why are you behaving like a lovesick teenager in some sappy romance novel?

I went to the counter and swiped it. Not to make the situation awkward, I spoke up.

"Getting for your little sister I guess?" For some reason, I didn't want to say daughter. Extremely silly of me, I know, but I didn't want to hear the man was married.

"Oh no. It's for my neighbour. She used to love the movie when she was small. Now she's all grown up I guess, but I hope she still likes this." He said.

"Oh I'm sure she'll love it. It's my favourite disney movie as well." I smiled at him. He smiled back.

The man took the book, thanked me and went away.

And there goes away another handsome guy.

I internally groaned at my raging hormones. I took the bag and rushed home.

Once I reached home, Mom scolded me for getting late. I looked at the watch. 4:05. I sighed. No use arguing with her when I was just 5 minutes late. She would give some crappy excuse. I went towards the kitchen and started with my task of helping her. By 6, everything was ready. The guests were about to arrive at 6:30, which left me with only half and hour to take a shower and get ready. I rushed to my room and took a quick shower. I went inside my closet and chose a pair of capris and a comfortable sleeveless top. I didn't have much time so I just ran a brush through my hair. The doorbell rang just as I walked out of my room.

"Jas! Can you see the door?" My Mom shouted.

"Yes Mom."

I went and opened the door to be greeted by an elderly couple. The woman had dark brown hair and green eyes. Just like the man at the store. I shook my head. Her face had a warm welcoming look. I smiled at her. The man looked a bit intimidating but he smiled nevertheless.

"Oh Jasmine! It's you, right? You've grown up into a beautiful woman my dear. Come give me a hug." The woman said and enveloped me into a hug. I awkwardly patted her back before letting go. The man just shook my hand.

I ushered them inside and closed the door. They moved to the living room and sounds of greetings between both the sets of elders could be heard. Just as I was about to move too, the doorbell rang again.

Who could it be?

I opened the door and stopped in my tracks. My eyes widened and heart leapt out of my chest. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Standing before me was the man from the store.

"Hello. I'm sor...", the man stopped speaking and his eyes widened as he took in my appearance. He was shocked as well.

And you know what I did after that?

I collapsed to the ground unconscious.

Fucking amazing first impression.

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