Chapter 3: First Fight and Using Magic

Start from the beginning

The goblin dropped its dagger as it crashed into the ground. I didn't waste any time and rushed at it.

After I grabbed its weapon, I then pierced the goblins chest before it could get back up. The little green freak spazzed out a little and then stopped moving.

It was now dead. After confirming its death, I pulled out the dagger and threw it away.

That wasn't so bad.

I was a little tired from the fight, so I sat down to take a breather. Let's see what my status is now.

Name: Damien Crow

Race: Human(?)

Age: 14

Class: None

Level: 2

STR: 2,200

DEF: 1,900

AGI: 3,000

MRES: 1,300

Skills: [Appraisal], [False Status], [Detection], [Hide Presence], [Hand-to-Hand Combat], [Dagger Arts: Beginners]

Special Skills: [Zerris's Blessing]

Titles: [Child of Zerris], [The Dark Champion], [Other-Worlder]

Not bad. At least I know how this blessing works now.

Despite not doing much in that fight, my stats increased a lot more than I expected. That goblin may have been weak, but it sure helped me out.

While looking at my status, I noticed that I learned two new skills. [Hand-To-Hand Combat] and [Dagger Arts].

I didn't really do much to earn these skills, but it seems that doesn't matter. This blessing sure is convenient.

Something was off though. Despite having my stats increased, I still didn't feel any different than usual.

I mean, I feel stronger, but barely. I'll have to look into that later.

"Nicely done, master." Amy complimented me.

"Thanks," I told her.

After resting a bit, I got up and walked away from the dead goblin corpse.

"Let's keep moving," I told them.

"As you wish, master."

. . .

After walking for a while, we decided to stop for a few minutes. I was curious about a few things, so I asked Amy about them.

"How can you use magic in this world?" I asked.

"Well, to learn magic, you need to understand how it works. To do that, you need to know what makes it up."

"In English, please."

Amy sighed but kept talking.

"Since the origin of this world, magic has been the foundation of what makes it up. Not everyone can use magic, but those who can are capable of many things."

"Please get to the point."

Amy got a little irritated but skipped to the part I wanted to here.

Basically, if I wanted to learn how to use magic, I needed to understand the structure of what makes it up. It's kind of like a complicated formula that I have to thoroughly examine to know every single part.

This was going to be difficult, since I wasn't good at math, to begin with. If learning magic was similar to math class, then I was in for the long run.

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