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(Real quick side note, Teds last name changed to Baxter...Because It just fits more to me, also I'm aware this is two days late but Christmas in the park isn't gone yet so...Yeah)

Nathan and Ted pull up towards Teds house, and it looks like rich white people would own it, which it is the case.

Nathan: Teddy, are you sure it's okay for me to just...Be here?

Teddy: Well you're with me and that makes you family to me. Also trust me, my parent will be more than happy to meet you.

Nathan: Really...I would've thought-

Teddy: That my dad was a homophobic white men who pressured me into playing football and would disown me because I'm with a guy?

Teddy: Well yeah, everyone thinks that.
But uh...They're much more accepting than people would think.

Nathan: Alright, I'll take your word on that.

They get out of Ted's truck and walk towards the front and Nathan noticed that there are posters of Ted on the front yard.


Teddy: They are very proud of me let's just say that.

Ted knocks on the door and they wait for a bit. Nathan is shaking and not from the cold but from the nervous feeling of meeting Ted's-MONSTER OF A DAD!!

A big man that looks like ted yet Ted is half the guys size.

Mr.Baxter: Theodore!! My boy! It's great to see you back!...Who might this geek be?

Teddy: Pops, this is My Boyfriend Nathan.

Mr.Baxter blinks for a bit.

Mr.Baxter: Sorry say again?

Teddy: My boyfriend, Nathaniel Wilde.

Mr.Baxter:....Stay there.

He slams the door

Nathan:...Is that a good sign or what?

Teddy: No clue.

{In the Baxter house hold}

Mr.Baxter: MAIA!!!!

Mrs.Baxter: Huh?

She closes a book titled Twilight Gay addition. And puts it in a book shelf and pulls and lever and the whole bookshelves flips from gay novels to How to be White novels.

Mr.Baxter: It's a code BF!!

Mrs.Baxter slaps him across the face.


Mr.Baxter: I'm not!!

They look at each other than at the cross, lift their hands up to the heavens and bow.

Mr and Mrs.Baxter: Thank you Lord, God, Jesus, Zeus-

{Meanwhile outside}

Teddy:...Okay what the hell!?

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