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Hello! My name is Aphrodite or other wise known as Venus, I like Venus more so I'll stick with that.

The soulmate system or SMS is ran by my Love fairies, my world is made up
By 10 key areas that make up my Love realm.

The fountain of Peace represents the peace and safety you feel when with the one you truly love.

The meadow of Kindness, it grows with the love one has for one another and the more they care the more beautiful it gets.

The stage of Giving, this shows the generosity one has for their partner, the ribbon that stands gracefully at the center of the stage was on a gift for the first Soulmate ever.

The Clouds of Joy, these cloud usually rain...very absurd things such as candy, chocolate milk and more, they also resemble hearts and stars most of the time.

The knights of Loyalty, they guard the castle I stay in and the knights represent not only your protectiveness for your partner but the loyalty you will have no matter what.

The castle of Honesty is where I sit in my throne of true love, what's a relationship without Honesty right? honesty to me is like a save haven knowing that there's no lies.

The sea of Forgiveness flowing in and out and the most beautiful shade of turquoise and it surrounds my realm.

The Seeds of Patience...Seeds that were placed into the earth of my realm but uh...They haven't grown but you know we have to be patient just like with love.

The Tree of hope, a beautiful tree that stands north of my realm and it's a strong standing tree because Hope and Love are always stronger together.

The Justice system in my realm, that Has sadly been used more times than I'd like to admit, this may the part of my realm that I had grown to not love as much but If you betray your love...if you betray your heart...

This justice system sentences you on the offense.

If you cheat on our boyfriend or girlfriend by accident, Like if your black out drunk or some stupid reason, You get a few troubles in future relationships.

You cheat on your spouse under the same conditions, it's somewhat the same but it takes a lot longer for forgiveness.

But willingly and with no regret...You get your love life is cursed.

Of course it went well for the past...But presently it's been happening way too much.

Love has become rare...Very very rare.

It's now about lust...Not love but lust.

"Venus!!" My love fair Kyunna flies over to me while grinning ear to ear.

"Today is the day!!! TODAY IS THE DAY!!!"

"Oh yes of course."

I walk with her to the love center.

Oh and by the way today is the day that the 10 areas pick the two lucky people...

To have the SoulMate glow.

The soul mate glow is when two people are choosen by the ten areas to be together forever...sounds like sun shine and rainbows right?

But everything has a dark side...including the soulmate system.

Thankfully enough soul mates have never rejected each other but if that were to happen I can only fear what could happen for it never happened.

But all we know is that if a soul mate dies the other soul mate basically goes through a horrible depression.

So terrible that you refuse to eat, drink or sleep. It's horrible and I only wish that upon those who betray true love.

"I wonder who the two will be!! I can't wait!!"

The 10 of them begin to glow.

The Fountain of Peace's tip shoots out blue.

The clouds of Pink combine into one heart as the blue shoots into them.

The castle of Honesty's flag glows green and it shoots into the clouds as well.

The knights of Loyalty kneel down and wind blows through the meadow of kindness.

The stage of givings curtains glow and the top ribbon shoots out a purple beam into the cloud above.

Two flowers grow out of the meadow and curl around each other releasing a blue and orange beam shoot into the clouds.

The sea of Forgiveness forms a whirlpool and a turquoise beam shoots from the middle to the cloud.

The tree of Hope glows a beautiful indigo and it
Shoots a beam the same color.

The seeds of patience grow into roses and it shoots a dark red into the clouds.

The justice system here glows black and it spirals around the rainbow beam into the clouds.

...That's never happened before, it's usually a monochrome red or Pink

The cloud of Joy absorb all the colorful beams and it stays in a heart formation and as the beams stop the middle of the heart glows and it shoots a rainbow...

Wait a rainbow?

Usually it shoots a blue and red beam down...

The rainbow lands in the center of my love realm and it shows the two...Boys.

"WHAAAA!? Two boys!!! That's a first time in 700 years that's there's been same sex soul mates!....Venus?..."

I'm looking at the two of them in disbelief.

One of them has well kept hair and seems to be wearing quite a formal outfit, with glasses and Green eyes; the other who wears a red Varsity jacket with blonde hair that's not that neat and the left eye Blue and right eye Red...

"hey that one looks just like you Ve-...Oh no..."

...Could it be?

He has my face, and my eyes...My son?

"Oh my gosh Venus is that? Yes Is that-" I interrupted her before she could say his name.

"yes...It's my son...The son I failed to protect, he's the first Same sex SoulMate in 700 years, saying it out loud it...sounds like a dream." I can't tell if this moment is a dream or reality.

I'm looking into my sons eyes as he walks to where ever it is he's walking I'm looking at his beautiful face that resembles mine...
I'm terrified at this thought because I don't know what knowledge my son has been fed.

I can only pray that he's not homophobic- please...Please don't reject him.

The GlowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon