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Nathan is still curled up and crying into his hands and he hears footsteps in grass and leaves and he looks up and sees a girl.

A girl with jet black hair covering one part of her face and grim Violet eyes one covered by her hair.


She says walking to Nathan and she has her eyes on his arm...She feels something isn't right.

He's in more than just mental pain now.

"W-who are you?...How did you even find me?"

Nathan looks up at the girl infront of him.

"...I just had a feeling, and who I am isn't important right now...Nathan."

After she said Nathan's name. He started to worry if she was a stalker.

"H-how do you know my name?"

She sits down in front of him and she looks at him and her gaze pierces his soul.

"...I'm the Forth Stage of Depression..."

Nathan's Eyes go wide as he realizes she's like the other two that appeared in his dream...

Wait...If she's fourth who was third?

Nathan thought about it and she has her hand on his forearm.

"U-uh...What are you-..."

Nathan stops talking when he sees a lot of tears falling from her eye.

"...Why are you doing this to yourself..."

She let go of his forearm.

"I knew it....I was right...Why....Why are you doing that..."

She says in a clear but obviously mortified voice.

"I-I don't know what your talking about."

She looks up at him and she stands.

"...You don't have to do that....What he did doesn't mean you deserve pain, he didn't do that because he hated you, he did it because he was Mad at himself for being in love with you!"

Nathan thinks and he realizes who she's talking about.

"Then why would he take it out on me?"

Nathan stands himself and they go back and fourth.

"That's was anger will do."

"What do you know about anger-"

"Because I'm more mad then him!!...I'm in more denial than denial her self, I'm more angry than the Sin of wrath him self, and bargains I'd make would be this darkness I'm trapped with!"

She says.

"Then why did they "help" me? They didn't even do anything, they came into my dream and said "it'll be all fine." They didn't me when I was in denial!
They didn't help me when I was mad, I didn't even met the third one! Just you that punk rock chick and that weird red guy, I'm like this because of them I'm...S-sad because they didn't help me!"

"You think your sad? I'm miserable...You think your down, I've already hit the ground! You don't know despair, you don't know Grief!...You know rejection and pain...I know segregation and I know suffering...I'm depression personified...compared to me...Your fine..."

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