Tonight was the worst

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Ted's POV

I thought I was just having a bad dream, but it was her and that jack ass Brian.

I...I guess it wasn't meant to be now huh?

"Ted im-" I cut Kris-...That's whore off.

"No!...No! Shut up I don't want to here it!! it's, it's over!" I and push past Samantha and I walk out to the backyard and I can hear...Them say what Kristen really thinks.

"You're a monster you knows Kristen?" Samantha says but then Kristen argues.

"Uh I'm the monster? If ted hadn't been so stubborn and more obedient, this wouldn't have happened, now go comfort that washed up football player and let me enjoy myself." She says with no remorse...Did what we have mean nothing to her!?

(( yeah basically ))

I just keep walking and walking.

I end up in a forest area or whatever and I don't care I just want to get away from that party.

What the fuck happened!?

Why did it happen? What did I do!?




I end up at a cliff, and I look up at the moon, it's dim glow.

I sit down on a rock and keep looking at the moon.

...Well, now I know Kristen Couldn't be my soul mate, even if she was it wouldn't be that easy for me.

I just hope who they are I just...I just hope they don't betray me.

Okay no more cheesy whatever line things I need to get over her...Right? I mean that will take a while but I'm sure I will.

But things will definitely be awkward tomorrow on Monday but...What can you do right?

Hopefully things will be better when or if I find my soulmate.

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