Wish upon of Star

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Venus's POV

I look upon my palace, and how beautiful it is...
It's night time...

But how could one relax when half my realm is suffering from the first rejections.

The castle has become monochrome, the Meadow and Knights have rotted and turned to stone.

I wonder if the Fountain of Peace is still running...I doubt it, ever since he...Punched him.

I'm sure the spring has frozen over.

That's four...

Suddenly the Clouds that used to be Pink turn gray.

"OH COME ON!!!!"

I yell and I'm sure The palace heard me! The clouds of Joy have turned Gray that's Five major area's of my realm!!

They've been devastated!! Atleast the sea of forgiveness hasn't frozen over...Nor have the other areas have become corrupted.


My realm is being destroyed by my own son.

In the jet black sky I see a Blue star.


I put my heads together and I actually pray to a star.


A goddess prayed to a blue star for the salvation of my Realm.

"My goddess."

I hear the deep voice of a male behind me, and I turn around and I see the stage of Amger.

"Is it done?"

"Yes my goddess..."

I turn around and it looks like he's been crying.

"Are you alright-"

"I'm fine!"

I says quickly and he realized he raised his voice to a goddess and he apologizes and I forgive me blah blah blah I'm privileged he's not and all that, sometimes my status annoys me, anyway.

"How are the soul mates?"

"They're stable at the moment."


"There's a third stage and she's uh...Very."


"Strange so to say."

"How strange?"

Suddenly someone teleports behind me.

"As strange as you want me to be Baby~"


I see this woman with Pink long hair with curls at the bottom, she has some white thingy covering her right eye. She also has a very strange outfit.

"Im the third stage of Grief, Bargaining~"


"Fufufu~ its just me having some fun with people's minds."

"What will you do to them?"

"It's less of what I'll do and more of what I'll say and what they'll do~"

She lifts her leg up and she falls backwards off the ledge of my balcony.

"Oh my goodness!!...Uh-"

"Aww where you worried about me?-"

"AAIIII YAAA my goodness your uh...Extra."

"Awwwww thank you so much~"

She's literally levitating on her back.

She lifts her leg and she turns around and lands on the ground.

"Thank you Anger, but it's my turn to take the stage~"

The stage of Anger bows and he leaves and I face to face with a very very strange being.


She laughs again and she lays back on nothing.

"So tell me great Goddess of love...Which one of the Is your son?"


"I mean you haven't said his name once, and I really want to know...Which is it?"

"...That will be addressed another time, now please. Please, save my realms and same the Soul Mate system."

"Don't worry...Ill be one more step towards they're love, I put my powers on it."

That's a bargain I'm willing to make~

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