It Didn't happen

109 6 1

Ted's POV

Don't look at him...

Don't think about him...

I bet I don't even remember Nathan's name-


What's wrong with me!? Why do I keep thinking about this fucking nerd!

I'm not into that!

I'm not Gay!!

I see nothing getting stuff from him locker, and I Try not to look at him but...
I Shake my head and I just walk faster and my friends seem to notice my strange behavior.

"Ey bro you good?" Brian says...Okay not that Brian not the Brian that took my girlfriend just one of my actual friends.

"Everything is fine..." I say hoping they can't tell that I'm not at fucking all.

" Uh...Ted we can tell that something is wrong...if something's wrong you can tell up."
Gabriella says as she stops her skipping.

"Looks guys I'm fine I just need...I need it to be quiet it okay?" I rub my temples.

It's difficult isn't it?

I hear a female voice say in my head...What the hell?

Looking at him, walking by him, hearing his voice...Watching as others hurt him.

What?...No one hurts Nathan- UGH!!

I shake my head again trying not to think about it too much.

I think you're in denial...

"Uh dude are you okay?" I heard Brian say,
"Cause you're looking around like someone is stalking you."

Shit I'm going crazy now I'm hearing voices in my head.

Oh I'm very much real...


What the hell is happening to me!? Okay I just need to not look around it's all in my head. Yeah.

It's just all in my head.

It's just all in my head meh ne meh me neh meh, listen to your self you pathetic excuse for a man, no wonder your girlfriend cheated on you!

"What the hell did you say!!??"

Shit I said that out loud, now everyone's looking at me Like I'm crazy.

Aww I'm sowy did I hurt widdle teddy fewings?

Suddenly I feel something bump into me and it's...Nathan.

"I-I I'm so sorry." Nathan scrabbles to pickup his books which were only like two.
After he got them all he just ran away from me like was some.


Sorry to burst your bubble teddy but you kinda are a monster, in one way and another.

"Yo ted!" I see Brian snaps in front of my face.

"Are you sure your okay? You come in and out of it all the time." Gabriella says as she pokes my forehead.

"I said I'm FINE!!!" I yell at her and she flinches

"Okay damn!" She back away and I storm off.

I don't have the brain power to deal with them right now.

You definitely don't have any sort of brain power...But in running low on time and the
Ability to get through this thick skull of yours...but...

Ill see you tonight,

Just dream...

But don't drown...

In denial

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