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The Soul's POV

Nathan sits on the stairs where he usually does to wait for the bell to ring and he pulls out a book to stay entertained.

Suddenly two arms wrap around Nathan's waist.

"W-wh-wha!? W-who?" Nathan looks back and he see's Ted smiling at Nathan.

"Hey...How ya doing." He says resting his chin on Nathan's shouldersz

Nathan remembers what happened yesterday and so it clicked right away.
Ted was his and he was Ted's.

"So...What are you reading?" Ted says awkwardly.

"Like you would care." Nathan says his face staying stoic.

"Aww come on, I might be into it." Ted says poking Nathan's cheek, Nathan laughs at the thought of Ted reading considering he can't even read the big print in the text books we have in Science.

"It's a book about two lovers who's hearts would burst into flame when they were in love...It's not tragic! When it burst into flames it's really beautiful." Nathan starts to talk and ted is listening to every word.

"...Your not listening to me are you." Nathan says looking away but ted made Nathan look back at him.

"I heard every word...I've heard that story before. Their hearts glowed right?" Ted says to Nathan's surprise.

"U-uh yeah, that's right...their hearts glowed...But one of them dies." Nathan says looking back down at the book.

"I wish I could rewrite the book and make them both live and they could live happily ever after." Nathan says hugging the book.

Ted hugs Nathan tighter, "I feel like that would ruin the feel of the book...It's a tragic story. If both of them lived than it either would've been more or less popular." Ted says something somewhat smart.

"Yeah." Nathan says than he looks at ted.

"What if something happens to you or me." Nathan says with worry in his eyes.

"I don't do what ifs...They suck; plus I would never let anything happen to you, that a promise I'll keep." Ted says sternly yes affectionately.

"Yeah...T-ted?" Nathan says his voice a little shaky.

"Yeah?" Ted says giving Nathan his full attention.

"...I-I" Nathan's words shudder.

"You what?" Ted says.

"I-i love y-you." Nathan says with a shaky voice and suddenly he feels Ted's lips on his cheek. "h-huh!?"

"Aw I love you to, you nerdy bastard." Ted hugs Nathan even harder.

"...You know what?" Nathan says looking up in the sky, the clouds starts to pile up a little bit. "When you hit me it didn't even bruise that badly but...Even when it went away it hurt as if it was still a fresh bruise." Nathan says putting his hand on his stomach and he feels Ted's hand on the hand he put on his stomach.

"Yeah...I'm still so sorry about that..." ted says.

"But it doesn't hurt anymore...Now that I have you." Nathan says leaning his head on Teds.

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