Seeds of Hope

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From the dark jet black clouds above falls six little drops of light.

Fallowing ever so silently. They were beautiful and they came from the Love realm.

They ingrain themselves in a park, and where they sprout, they know and they'll wait for the two more drops of hope.

The tears of Acceptance.

In the school almost no students went to school that day. Everyone in Canada and in the rest of the world have been having severe weather lately.

Clouds getting so dark no one knew if it was night time or not.

{Ted's POV}

Mrs.Kirkland is talking and talking...About something I kinda stopped listening...I was to busy looking at Nathan ...I really don't deserve him don't I? Of course I don't why would I? After everything I did, anyway today is the day I want to tell him.

I don't even know if he wants me to go near him. I just want him to be mine now, I need him in my arms but.

How should I approach him? Just walk up to him and say, Hey! I'm the guy who rejected you, punched you, and shattered your heart! Would you like to suddenly forgive and Love me? Right.

I can't just do that, I have to have some sort of...way to make him love me?
No I can't manipulate him, I'm horrible at that.

"Ted?" Mrs.Kirkland calls my name suddenly and I pop my head up and snap out of my thoughts.


"...Ted, we're talking about the Wu dynasty." Mrs.Kirkland says as the students laugh at my incredibly stupid answer...Nathan didn't look at me though.

"Okay, the real answer is-" I tuned her out again, and I keeping looking at the back of Nathan's heads and I just...I want so badly to just...Just-

I feel at tap on my shoulder and I look to one of my friends, "Bruh your  good? Your crying." I didn't even realize that...

I have tears rolling down my cheeks, "y-yeah I'm...I'm good." He nods and pats my shoulder and and goes back to paying attention.

the bell rings loudly snapping me out again, Jesus Christ can't I just space out?

Anyway it's break now and Nathan walks out of the class room and I fallow him.

He walks all the way to the library and I see him go into the maze of book shelves...Well I guess I can't fallow him now.

Shit I wanted to do something now! I got nothing to do right now!

I just walk to the schools front office and then I see a crowd of other teens talking in a weird panicking sounding tone.

I hear what the TV over the office entrance, yeah I know our school is very rich.

"The clouds are in a strange pattern and non of our weather experts can pin point why theses clouds are as dark and the night sky." A news lady says as the camera zooms in on a weird cloud formation.

Hm, I look at my watch and it's twelve in the afternoon, and I look outside and it looks like it's night time.

"This is freaky." I hear someone say and as she says that a road sign slams itself on the offices door and there's some gasps and screams.

What the hell is going on?

I get lost in the news program and then that scary sound starts to go.

"This is the Canadian Emergency alert system, due to extreme weather, we ask that you shelter yourself in where you are, the wind and Rain will cause damage and will flood in some parts of Canada."

Everyone listens to that and I watch the head master talk into the speak.

"Please excuse the interruption, due to extreme weather we need to shelter in, do not walk home, it's too dangerous at this time." She says and everyone that was in the office was told to stay where they are, the school day has just started and now it's ending?

Since I was not gonna stay in an office I sneak out of there and I make my way to mrs.Kirkland's room and...on my way there I run into...Him.

He's just standing there...Looking like a snack- ahem...Don't judge me.

Either way he's looking at me with sad eyes that I just can't stand looking at. He closes his eyes and just starts walking looking at the ground.

This is my chance...I can say something!! I can tell him now! But I...I can't...

He walks by me and time just slows down...I can't do it...

Then suddenly a locker opens and grows a bit and two giant hands grab me and Nathan and pulls me and him into the very cramped locker.

HES SO SOFT!!! Why did I ever not want this!?!?

"Uh...H-hi..." he says and I barely see him but I can clearly see him at the same time!...Is that weird?

"Hey..." I mean it's still a pretty small locker. "What was that?" I says looking through the small opening in the locker.

"Atleast the locker is big enough." Suddenly the locker shrinks a bit, WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS!!?

"...Uh." His face is only centimeters in
front of me. "..."

Looking at his face closer to mine.

"...Atleast it's not dark." Then the lights go out.

"...Can you shut the fuck up." I say to Nathan and I realize how mean that was.
Suddenly our hearts begin to glow.

"..." what the hell do I say now, I thought we would just talk But here he is.

He soft and small body is against my own...I really need to think pure thoughts. Than I feel Nathan lean on my chest.

"...." he's silent...So I stay silent as well.

I guess this isn't that bad...

But what's next?

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