|40| Hating His Guts

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Cayden's POV

"Damn! I'd hate to be you right now, bro," Theo spoke. "Pissed off Brooke is really fucking terrifying."

Theo, Jake, and I stood at the curb, watching as Brooke and Mya drove away back to their dorm. I know. I know. You guys think I'm a fucking idiot. You don't have to tell me. I know I am.

    But just hear me out, alright? Up until five minutes ago, I didn't have not one reason to believe that Hazel was interested in me at all. And I honestly never thought about her that way either.

Hazel never behaved like other girls, the ones who made it obvious that they wanted to hook up with me. All of the conversations between the two of us has been as cordial as fuck. And I mean that. Everything we've ever talked about were either school or football related. And that's how it's always been for the past three years.

    So when I say I honest to God didn't think Hazel had an ulterior motive for talking to me tonight, I mean that full-heartedly.

But as far as she's concerned, her friendships with me and the rest of the football players are dead. She'll no longer be allowed to hang out with us on campus, hang out at the frat house, or even get invited to parties there. She's done. Nobody fucking talks about my daughter like that.

Taking my eyes off of the road that Mya's car drove down, I looked back over at Theo. "Thanks, dick," I sarcastically retorted.

"What? She is," he replied. "Who would've thought sweet Miss Brooke was a fighter?"

"Bruh, this is nothing," Jake chimed in. "You should've seen what she did to the girl at my cousin's party."

Theo's eyes widened. "She was in another fight?"

"Dude, Polynesian chicks are hot blooded," Jake responded while nodding. "They're nuts. And they definitely can handle their own! Especially the girls from where Brooke is from." He stuck his arm out and rested it on my shoulder. "I would be pissed at you, as usual, because obviously you fucked up once more. But I'm sure Brooke's gonna put you through hell herself so I'll just save that for another time, which I'm sure there will be one." He laughed in my face and began to walk away. "Good luck," he called over his shoulder.

    "Thanks, Dick," I mumbled. Only because he was right. I did fuck up again. Even after I told him I'd be better for Brooke.

Over Jake's shoulder, I saw a group of people staring down at a phone, giggling. They were standing a few yards away from me but I could still make out the sounds of cheering. I followed Jakr back into the house with Theo trailing right behind me, determined to get one of the freshmen to take me home until I heard a very familiar voice as I walked passed the group.

    "I don't give a fuck. I'll go to jail if that's what it takes for this bitch to know she ain't ever gonna speak on Cayleigh again."

    Shit! Of course these assholes recorded the fight.

    I stomped up to the group of people and angrily snatched the phone out of the hands of the person holding it. The scrawny owner was just about to say something to me until he looked up and saw who I was. I stood there staring at him with his phone in my hand as I sized him up, intimidating him. When I was sure that my stare did the trick, I looked down at the phone, deleted the video and shoved the phone right back into the guy's chest.

    "If I were you, I'd make sure that this video and other like it didn't end up online," I demanded before turning and walking away.

    I didn't know how he was going to do that. And I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was making sure my girl's reputation wasn't affected. I'd hate for her to lose her job because of this fight. Especially since the whole reason for it was because she was defending our daughter.

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