Day Four (Afternoon)

Start from the beginning

"Yes," Fynn and I say in unison with equally uninterested tones to our voices.

"Just making sure..." Ace says as he hands each of us a small whistle. I guess this is what we are supposed to use as the signal.

"Hey," Fynn says, addressing Ace, "How exactly are you going to get to the island if you can't swim?"

"I never said I couldn't swim," Ace shoots back quickly, "I just don't like to..."

"Why? Do you have a phobia of drowning or something?" Fynn asks. I know that he's just trying to mess around with Ace, but I can see that this conversation is making Ace uncomfortable.

"No!" he almost yells, but then he takes a calming breath and stares at the water, "It's sister was killed in an accident involving water several years ago. Ever since then, I've had a problem with being around large amounts of water. It's not something I like to talk about, so that's all you're getting."

Fynn's expression changes from a playful, mocking one, to a sympathetic, sorry expression. I feel the same way for Ace.

"Sorry, I didn't know..." is all Fynn says.

Ace waves it off dismissively, as if he's trying to forget about it, "I wouldn't expect you to either. Not even Elsa knows, and we've been friends for years."

Before Fynn or I can say anything else, the voice from earlier crackles through the air, saying, "Tributes, the time has come for the cure to be presented. The island will be produced momentarily. Good luck!"

The transmission ends and is immediately followed by a low rumble and bubbling sounds to our far right. The bubble sound transforms into deafening splashes as a large, rock-like island peaks above the water in the direction we heard the sounds. As it grows, I can see that the entirety of the island appears to be made of rocks. Tiny ones, big ones, and some the size of the cornucopia itself.

"Let's go!" Fynn orders when we spot three tributes already swimming towards the island, "They can't get there first!"

Fynn jumps into the waves and I follow him without hesitation. While Fynn starts plowing through the water, I halt and turn back to the horn. Ace is standing at the edge of the water, staring in with haunted, wide eyes. I wave to him, trying to snap him out of his trance-like state.

"Ace! Come on! Elsa needs the cure," I call, and that seems to wake him up.

He blinks a few times before leaping into the water. We start swimming to the island, but it looks like the other three tributes will get there first. Fynn is pretty close too, though. I try to swim slow so I can make sure Ace will be okay, but he catches up and orders me to go faster, even if I need to leave him behind.

I do as he says and speed towards the island, which by now, is fully above the surface of the water. It's pretty massive. It could take all day to find the vials. I wonder if they're both in the same spot. I hope they are...cause we need them both. I hate to say it, but we could live without getting the second one for Kara. I think our main goal is to get it for Elsa.

I see Fynn reach the island a few moments after the other tributes. He ducks behind some rocks to wait for me I guess. At this point, I also notice the splashing of another tribute swimming to the island. Great...four other tributes.

It feels like hours, but eventually I haul myself onto the edge of the island, and Fynn helps me the rest of the way up. Ace starts swimming around the island, as we planned.

Fynn takes out his axe and I arm myself with two throwing-knives as we start our search for the cure. I tell him about the four tributes I saw, but he just nods and says it would be best if we didn't speak, so we make as little noise as possible.

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