Sunrise(Sequal to Sunset)Renesmee's pov.

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Hey guys!

okay, so this is where the story sarts to take a plot, a twist and something familiar, but will the end result be the same? i dont want to give the story away!


so vote, comment, fan!

love you all

charlotte xoxo

....A few hours later Aunt Alice was knocking on our door followed by the rest of our family.

'Yes Alice what are you doing here?' Jake asked curiously.

'The volturi, they're coming!' Alice said as my heart sank and i started hypeventilalting. Jake wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto my lap to try and comfort me but nothing was working.

Why were they coming? How, when, where? questions ran through my mind endlessly. But then Grandpa started to explain and everything became clear.

'Well Alice had a vision of the Volturi coming here to Hawaii.' Grandpa said as he coninued explaining to me and the rest of the family. 'Aro, Jane, Alec, Caius, Marcus, Felix and Demetri were coming. Alice saw they would come to the south end of the 'abandoned beach, North of the island at sunrise. Its is unclear on what they want but we need to prepare some ideas on why they were coming.' Grandpa said calmly.

When Grandpa first told me i was clueless on why they were coming. We hadnt broken any rules, none of us exposed our selfs as vampires, so I didnt see what the problem was. But then it suddenly occur to me that we did brake one rule-i had married a werewolf.

'Wait one second, i think i know why they are coming here.' i said as i walked over to momma.

'I have married Jake, and he's not a vampire.'

'That's actually probably right' aunt Alice explained, 'why else would they want to come here? other than to fix a rule that had been broken!'

I ran over to Jake and wrapped my arms around him, knowing that the volturi was going to make Jake leave, or one of us was going to be destroyed. I was so scared, i didnt know what i would do without Jake for a week, nevermind forever. I would probably die if anything were to happen to him.

'So what do we do?' uncle Jasper asked.

'Theres only one this we can do, and that is prepare and try and think of possible solutions so that Jake and Nessie could be happy and together for the rest of their lifes.' Grandma replied trying to calm us down a bit. Unfortuanatley by that time i was hysterically crying and would not let go of Jake. At one point i thought I had strangled him because i had my arms wrapped so tightly around his neck.

'Also, i think the honeymoon is going to have to be put on hold for a little while.' Momma said as she started walking over to me to comfort me. All of a sudden i could feell calmness throughout my body thanks to Jasper. i smiled at him through the tears trickeling down my face and then returned to hug Jake, as he was rocking me back and forth.

'I think thats proably best Bella, good thinking.' Carlisle replied as he said sorry to us both. It didnt really matter to me when we went, all i wanted was for the volturi to leave us alone. They caused so much stress when they were 'visiting'.  I couldnt get to sleep that night. Everyone got a room next door to me and Jake incase anything sudden were to occur. I laid in bed thinking, probably all of the worst soloutions going like what if me or Jake had to be destroyed or what if i was kidnapped by the volturi and forcedt to become like them. Eventually when i had gotton to sleep, i dreamt that the volturi were coming early and when took Jake away from me.

Sunrise(Sequal to Sunset)Renesmee's pov.Where stories live. Discover now