Check Please x Bitty younger sibling

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⚜️I think this is PG13.
⚜️I read this book and I love it.
⚜️you have a Yorke Terrier that is named Chewbacca but you call him Chewy. (I love Chewbacca and if I ever get a dog I'm naming it that).
⚜️you are 14.
⚜️I wanted to make someone the complete opposite of Bitty.
"Mother why do I have to stay with Eric at his college with a bunch of hockey dudes when I'm supposed to be at home?" You ask your mother as you and Chewy waited for Bitty to pick you up from the the bus station that arrived from the airport.
"I'm sorry dear but me and your father have been planing a trip to visit your aunt Lucy for a while," true your mother hasn't seen her sister for a while now "I'm sorry it lined up up with your brake but you know Dicky was ecstatic when I told him you were going to visit him!"
"I know it's just," you stopped trying to find the right words "I wanted to relax and now I have to deal with a group of college kids".
"I know but your brother promised me that everything would be okay" your mother told you.
"Fine, but if anything bad happens you have to get me and chewy a new soccer ball!" You tell her giggling.
"I think I can manage that" she tells you.
You both said your goodbyes and hung up.
"Well I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?" You looked at Chewy to see him looking at a butterfly.
"(Y/N)!!!" You heard a familiar voice yell.
Soon you were pulled into a hug by the one and only Eric Bittle.
'This might not be as bad as I thought' you thought to yourself.
45 minutes later UwU
Soon you were with Bitty in front of the 'Hause'.
"So anything I should know about?" You asked Bitty.
"Nope, I had a talk with all the boys and they will be on your best behavior!" Bitty said confidently.
"I bet ten bucks there not" you told him.
"Your on!".
you both walked into the hause but you didn't know what the heck you were staring at. One dude was past out on the couch while three others were balancing bread on him (anyone seen the picture) Another dude was in underwear holding a air horn and giggling like a two year old. Then there was two other people watching them. Bitty coughed to get there attention. They all looked at him.
"Pay up" you told Bitty not even looking at him.
He grumbled and handed you a ten.
"Why did I think they would actually listen to me?".
"Hey Bitty," the dude with no pants said "your back early".
"So this is your little sis/bro?" A girl asked.
"Hi I'm (Y/N)," you told her, but soon Chewy popped out of his dog carer and let out a yip "and this is Chewbacca".
"The names Lardo" she tells you.
"I'm Jack".
"Okay, well since you Lardo and Jack seem to be the only ones with common sense, care to explain?" You ask them.
"That frog there is Chowder," Lardo said pointing to the sleeping frog "he fell asleep and now those three are seeing how long he will stay asleep while they stack bread on him".
You looked at the boys stacking bread.
"Y'all should be ashamed of yourself," they looked away in embarrassment "you should have used that on Eric, he sleeps like a bear, nothing could wake him up".
"(Y/N)!" Bitty was blushing red.
You then walked over to Chowder and knocked all the bread of him. You then placed Chewy on his chest and grabbed the air horn from Shitty.
"Never let you guard down" you simply said before you honked the horn.
"WHAT!," Chowder sat up quickly "why did you guuuuuyyyyyysssssss ITS A PUPPY!".
"I'm (Y/N) and this is Chewy" you tell him.
"Nice to meet you!" He said happily.
After that your now sitting on the couch with half the team in the living room.
"So do you like ice skating?" Nursery asked.
"I can skate but I prefer hands on activities" you tell them as you eat a slice of pie.
"Hands on?".
"Eric didn't tell you?," there was a round of no's "okay well I am a black belt in karate, taking college leveled gymnastics, in currently learning boxing and I also do dance".
"Don't forgot the languages" Bitty tell you nonchalantly.
"Oh yea, I can speak French, Spanish, and do sign language, but I'm still working on the last one" you tell them all.
"Bitty why didn't you tell us about this little thing of swasomness?!" Shitty asked him.
You threw a pillow as him hitting him square in the face.
"Don't call me little" you told him.
"alors vous parlez couramment?" 'So you speak fluently?' Jack asked.
"oui, mon frère ici peut parler le roumain mais est timide à ce sujet"
'yes, my brother here can speak Romanian but is shy about it' (I know he can't but it's for the story) you tell him.
"Good to know" he tells you.
"Yea Bitty can do a lot of things to," you tell them but noticed Bitty was singling you to stop, you gave him a evil little smile "he awesome at figure skating, so far he's gotten ten first place metals. And you can't forget his pies, he's won twenty pie baking competition all with first place. Also you can't forget the fact he speaks Romanian".
"Bitty!, you never mention this!" Ransom said.
"Why must you do this to me (Y/N)?" Bitty asked you.
"Because it's my job as your younger sibling to at least annoy you once while I'm here," you tell him "also I was promised pie but so far all I got was a juice box you guys have for some reason".
"Oh my goodness you're right!" He got up and ran to the kitchen. Once out of earshot you looked at everyone seriously.
"Okay, here's the deal, you all know that Eric is gay, right?".
They all nodded or said yea. The mood suddenly became dark.
"Good, so you know that if anything happens to him I will personally deliver you to hell".
They all went a little pale. They all nodded wearily.
"Okay, so far I like you all so let's keep it that way".
You then got up and turned around to go to the kitchen.
"Also Chewy bites if provoked," you tell them.
You walked to the kitchen while everyone stared. They then stared at Chewy. He was currently looking at a lego that he seems to dislike.
"I don't if I should be scared or impressed?" Nursery asked.
4 hours later
"Why did you make me come to this again" You asked Bitty as you were both at a charity thing with a bunch of hockey players and stuff.
"Because I'm not gonna leave back at the hause trying to find dirt on the boys and Lardo" he tells you.
"Still why couldn't I have brought Chewy along?".
"Because I don't want to get a lawsuit because he decided to bite someone" he tells you getting you both cups of cola.
"He doesn't bite," he gave you the really face "often".
You looked around trying to find something entertaining, but when both comes along you decided to tease Itty Bitty.
"So where's your boyfriend?" You ask nonchalantly.
Bitty almost spits his cola.
"W-what boyfriend?" He asked trying to play it off.
"Oh, I don't know, a certain French-Canadian with blue eyes,black hair, tall and the captain of a certain hockey team and was a durpy baby" you tell him.
"I-Um-he-well" Congratulations, you have now broken Eric Bittle.
"Relax I won't tell," Bitty sighed with relief "yet".
You laugh at Eric expression when suddenly you here someone yelling.
"YOU IDIOT DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS DRESS COST!" A lady with way to much makeup with cola on her dress yelled at poor Chowder.
"I-Im so sorry, I didn't m-mean to, I-I..." poor Chowder look scared and was shaking a little.
The lady was getting dangerously close to him. Your joyous expression suddenly became dark.
'OH HELL NO!' You thought as you walked up to them.
"Hey lady, could you not" you asked.
"This brat just ruined my dress!" She said angrily.
"Well I can see that and I can also see that you are getting dangerously closely to my friend there so if you don't mind would you go back to the hole you came from" you said sweetly.
"Oh well I'm sorry that my friend here bumped into you when you were looking at your phone and not were your going," you said sarcastically "and I'm also sorry that the dress you're wearing looks like it was screwed up in the first place, so if your gonna blame someone, blame your self".
The lady was beyond mad.
"Um, well why don't we just go and enjoy the rest of the party" Bitty said trying to calm things down. 
"STAY OUT OF THIS" the lady then pushed Bitty to the ground.
Chowder and some others ran up to see if he was okay. Now you were furious.
"Rip her head of" Bitty tells you.
"You little-" but the lady was cut of.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" you released a mighty battle cry and jumped on the lady.

(I love this scene from ICarly)
Once you were done you looked at the lady with a murderous look and spoke with venom.
"You think about touching my brother or anyone of his friends I won't hesitate to drag you to hell myself" you said with venom.
The lady then ran away in fear. You noticed people were looking at you.
You know you screwed up but you didn't care.
"SCREW THIS!," You yelled throwing your hands in the air "Come on Eric were going home and your making a pie".
"I wouldn't mind that right now".
You both walked out and went to the nearest bus stop. 
"You know that people recorded you" Bitty tells you.
"Yea so"
"Mama and Coach are gonna find out".
"You and me both know they wouldn't mind," you tell him as you got on the bus "you know what mama said, 'If someone hits you first show them what hell would be like' and that sorta stuff".
"Eh, true" Bitty shrugged.
The next day
You were currently in the kitchen with Bitty and Chewbacca when Ransom ran in with the others.
"Yo, (Y/N), look at this!" He yelled shoving his phone at you.
You took the phone to see a video on YouTube of you defending Chowder.
You then looked at the comments.
Catlover:OMG this kid
Miner04: this kid deserves a reward.
Furiousdoge: this kid has cured my acne, cleared my student loan, and made me absolutely happy.
Idon'tthinkIdo:Can we just talk about how this kid became the worlds most savage kid.
Mymemes: that battle cry tho!

That's just a few of them. Then look at the views.
2o million.
20 million freaking views.
"Eh well it's not as good as Eric's video" you tell them.
"Wait what!".
You pulled up a old news clip. It said 'Georgia boy save young siblings from kidnaped'. When you pressed play a news lady started talking.
"At this playground a mother and her two children were enjoying a day at the park when things turned for the worst," a picture of the park appeared "Suzanne Bittle was taking her two children for a walk when suddenly a man tried to take the youngest, who is 8 years old (Y/N) Bittle," some of the guys looked shocked "but luckily there 15 year older brother Eric Bittle was there to save them," shows video of Bitty tackling the man who is trying to take you "he tackles the suspect and then starts to attack him. Once the police arrived they took the man into custody and Eric Bittle was praised a hero...." you then stopped playing the video.
"Bitty is a hero!" Shitty yelled.
"And he saved you from being KIDNAPED!".
"How is that even possible?!" Nursery asked you.
"Well who do you think taught me karate" everyone was looking at Bitty.
That day was full of a lot of surprises.
Hope you enjoyed and that this makes up for wait.

Found this one on my balcony

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Found this one on my balcony.

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