Being part of the Avengers and a inventor inculdes...

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⚙️are 14 years old
⚙️you meet them when you are at a scrap yard getting supplies.
The Avengers just finished a mission in a junkyard when they suddenly they heard some metal clanking and foot steps.
"Um what was that?" Clint asked nervously.
"Don't know" Steve and the rest of them walk closer to the noise until they saw a someone. That someone was you.
"You know its rued to stare at someone" you yelled looking threw the scraps for a parts you needed.
They were all shocked. How could have heard them from that distance.
"Finally!" You then pulled out the pice you needed along with the other pieces of scrap.
"Um kid why are you out here and taking old metal parts?" Tony asks from inside his suit.
"Well I needed some of these and I live here so bye" you turned around and started walking away.
"Wait a second you live here?" Bruce asked.
⚙️A certain archer decided to follow you to were you live.
You were walking into the little trailer you lived in. Most of it had pieces of junk lying around but you liked it that way. You also live here with your Doberman Copper. Suddenly you here something falling down so you grabbed your hand and called for Copper. Walking out side you amid at whatever was out there.
"Hold your fire!" Yelled Clint as he held his hands in the air.
"Oh it's just you" you said as you point the gun to the ground.
"Yea," he looked around and saw were you live "so you live in this shack".
"It's a trailer and yes I live here" you started to get annoyed.
"Were are your parents?" He asked as he looked around not spotting anyone else except you and Copper.
"Don't have none," you said as you stared picking up the junk he dropped "Just me and Scrap". Copper bit down on some junk and started dragging it to a pile.
"So you live in this junk yard?" He started helping pick up junk that fell down.
"Own it actually, my parents left it to me after..... a incident" you dusted off your hands as you put the final piece of scrap back into the pile.
"What was the 'incident'" he asked slightly concerned.
"None of your business" you turned around and started walking back to your trailer with Copper. He started following.
"So what's your name mister?"
"Clint Barton, you?"
"(Y/n) (l/n)"
⚙️He talks with the rest of the team to see if you can join.
"So what do you do around here?"
Clint asked as he looks inside of the trailer.
"Make things," you told him as you were tinkering with a old toy car "screw driver" Copper hand the it to you.
"What kind of things?"
You picked up a little toy airplane you built yourself. When got the remote for it you started fly it around. But surprisingly when you flew it onto your (f/c) bed it started turning (f/c).
"Cool, I know someone who would like you" he then picked up the plane and put it on his bow. It instantly changed it color to match.
"Keep it," you said working on the car "I ain't gonna use it anytime soon".
5 hours later
"Come on guys you should see what this kid does" Clint was now back at the jet with the others trying to convince them for you to join the team.
"Clint I know you think-" he pulled out the plane and put it on Steve's shield. It instantly took its pattern so it could barely be seen.
"How about now".
⚙️They end up going back to the junk yard to see you.
You closed up the junk yard and we're heading back to your trailer when you suddenly pulled out your gun and aimed at whoever was following you. You noticed it was Clint and some other people.
"Okay what do you want now?" You asked as you turned around and started walking away.
"Well I would like to know how you make this?" Tony asked showing you the plane.
"Spare parts"
"From were?"
You motioned them to look around.
"If you didn't notice I have a unlimited amount," you then called for Scrap who ran next to you "and after that battle of NY I got more then I can imagine".
They looked around and noticed that some of the parts from the battle were indeed here.
"Okay kid we would like to make you a offer" Tony said.
"what kind of offer?"
"We would like you to join the Avengers" Steve then noticed Copper.
"Yea, Copper, but be careful, wrong move and you'll end up missing a finger" you joked as you got up and stared at them.
"Okay I'll join, but one some conditions," everyone looked at you nervously "one, Copper comes with me wherever I go.  Two, no one is allowed to go into my trailer. Three, I need some way to make sure people can drop off stuff and still pay the fee".
They all agreed.
"Well then it would be a honor to join"
⚙️Even thou you are 13 you are extremely intelligent and go to school with Peter Parker.
"Hey Peter!" You yelled running up to him with Copper. Hey when you said everywhere you mean everywhere. Some of the female students giggled while the males frustrated.
"Hey looks like Peter got a playmate his age" Flash yelled as students started to laugh.
"Oh shut it you idiot" you yelled out.
People stared at you in shock. No one ever talked back to Flash.
"Why you little-" Copper lunged at him barring his teeth ready to bight.
"Make another move and Copper here's going to have a early lunch" you smiled as Copper snarled at him. Flash started walking back.
"That's what I thought," you turned around and grabbed Peter "come on were going to be late for science".
⚙️You can fix anything.
At lunch you and Peter were just talking you heard people start complaining.
"This is the third time this month!" A teacher said as they tried fixing the the vending machine.
"Hey need some help," you got up from your seat and walked over "Ay Peter can you get my tool box".
He went threw your bag and pulled out a miniature tool box that had your name on it. Once you had it you asked the teachers to bring it forward. You got behind it and opened it up. When you started moving things around you noticed that some wires were chewed up. Suddenly a rat jumped out.
"Get it Copper" you yelled as the rat tried to scamper away.
Copper ran after it and once he got ahold of it he started shaking it around till it was dead.
"Okay its dead!" He brought it back to you and you picked it up by the tail and chucked it in the trash.
"Okay suggestions, one you call and exterminator. Two get yourself a new vending machine. Three you get rid of this one, here's my card" you then walked back to the table were you and Peter were sitting and started eating lunch again.
⚙️ You always end a good fight.
"So the mutt likes to catch rats" a senior girl ask while some of of the other students giggled.
"Sweetheart that just a hobby" you then gave Copper a good scratch behind the ear.
"Then you must live in a dump" some of the kids there stared at you waiting for your response.
"Junk yard actually, and I don't just live in it I own it" you said handing her your card "come by and maybe you can find yourself a new attitude".
People started laughing all around. You a Peter threw out your leftovers and walked out the cafeteria.
⚙️Time to suit up.

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