Being part of the The Justice League and half monster inclueds ....

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🌹you are 12.
🌹your sorta like Slender man. You have tentacles, they are (f/c). You don't kill people. You have wight skin and (h/c) hair. You have (e/c) eyes and a mouth.
🌹the league meets you in the forest.
"Why are we here in a dark, creepy, cold forest again?" Asked Flash looking around.
"We got some reports that there's a creature around here that only comes out at night," Batman told them "it hasn't attached anything yet, it lowers people in with its singing, apparently is known to look like a child".
"Are you kidding me, if this is some prank I'm gonna-" Green Lantern(Hal) was cut of by some singing. They started to follow it.

They finally made it to a lake to see a child, but it looked different from other children. Extremely different. You had skin as wight as snow. You figure was small but well built. But what really got there attention was the tentacles coming out your back and drooping on the hard cold ground. You looked saddened and depressed.
"It that the creature?" Asked Green Arrow.
"That cant be it, it is only a child" Whispered Wonder Woman.
Someone (Flash) decided it was a good idea to run up behind you.
"Hi there" he said.
"AHH!" One of the tentacles knocked him back into a tree.
"Flash!" Yelled Superman as he flew to help him.
You saw and stated to run away.
"Kid wait!" Yelled Green Arrow.
You used one of the tentacles to grab and swing from tree to tree. They lost sight of you.
🌹you help people in need.
You kept swinging till you you saw a cliff. You started to  swing faster till you launched yourself across. You made it to the other side and saw a man staring at you. Of course you just thought he was trying to hurt you. You started walking away, but then there was a gasp. You saw the man falling down the cliff.  You jumped down and grabbed him before he could hit the ground.
"Wow, thanks " he said. You just tilted. He didn't look normal. He was wearing weird clothes and a mask.
And he was dressed all in black. You tilted your head.
"Are you ok?" He asked you.
You started to climb out, your tentacles grabbed onto rocks that were sticking out the cliffs side. When you made it out you put the man down and started walking away.
🌹 you didn't have the best childhood.
"Wait, I just want to talk" the man said.
"Who are you?" You asked this strange person.
"I'm Batman," he told you (hehe, I regret nothing) "if you don't mind I would like to know your name" he told you crouching down to your level.
"My names (y/n)" you said looking at the ground.
"That's a nice name, I was wondering why you were out here alone, where is your family?" He asked.
"People kept calling me a monster and demon, one day someone came into my home and hurt my dad, mom told me to run into the forest and wait for her," you said tearing up "then the bad person went after her, she said she'll come get me, why isn't she coming back for me?".
He was taken back by this, you weren't a monster, but only a scared child waiting for your parents that will never return.
🌹you are very curious about things.
"If you want you could come with me and some other people who are like you" Batman told you.
"Ok" you whispered.
Batman spoke into his ear peace saying he found you. He then grabbed your hand and started leading you somewhere. You retracted your tentacles back into your back. You then noticed he was wearing a mask.
"Why are you wearing a mask?" You asked.
"To protect my identity" he told you.
"So people I know don't get hurt"
"Because I want to protect them"
Then there was silence.
"Are your friends nice?" You asked.
"Yes" he said.
"Are they going to hurt me?"
"Are they going to leave me?," you stopped "are you going to leave me?".
Your pace started to become slower and slower at each step. Sleep slowly consuming you. Batman then picked you up. You placed your head on his shoulder and fell into the land of dreams.
🌹The League was surprised about your past.
Batman walked up to the waiting league.
"So this is the kid?" Asked Flash.
"Yes, there name is (y/n)" replied Batman.
They all boarded the jet and flew away from the forest you called home.
"So got any information about why the (y/n) was in the forest?" Asked Superman.
"They were waiting" Batman told him.
"For who?" Asked Wonder Woman.
"There parents"
"So your telling me (y/n) parents left them in the forest to fend for themselves?" Aquaman said angrily.
"No, there parents were murdered," he told them "from what I heard there parents were attacked by someone who saw them as a threat, there mother told them to hide in the woods and wait for her there but she was eventually killed as well, leaving (y/n) waiting for who knows how long to wait for them to come back".
The League looked at you, they didn't know what to say or do. You had stayed faithful and waited for your parent to return but little do you know they never would.
"poor kid" said Flash.
"So were taking them in?" 
"Definitely" replied the League.
🌹You have a hamster.
When you arrived at the watch tower you grabbed Batmans hand and walked out the jet with him. The league noticed movement in a little pouch you carried.
"Um what's in the pouch?" Asked Flash.
"Who's Toby?" Asked Martian Man Hunter.
A gray teddy bear hamster then popped out of the pouch. It looked like it was wearing a miniature pare of yellow goggles.

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