Being Batmans child includes...

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🦇You are 7 years old
🦇Batfam ages
Alfred- Immortal
Dicks- 29
Tim- 17
🦇You are a orphan but Bruce takes you in when he meets you.
You have been in a orphanage since you were Five and ran away when you turned six. The people at the orphanage didn't treat you good so when you had enough you ran away. Right now you were walking down a ally when suddenly you heard a big thump.
You look and see a black lump in a rooftop. You being the curious child you are decided to see what it is.
When you finally manage to climb on top you noticed a person warring a black costume. When you looked closer you saw it was the one and only Batman. You saw he was injured so you went inside your backpack and took out some bandages. One you were done you decided to see if he was awake.
"Hey Mister Batman sir are you dead?" You asked the unconscious man while you were poking him.
"No" he whispered.
"Oh, okay" you said backing up.
He got up with a limp but when he turned around he was shocked to see how small you were. For a seven year old you were short.
"What's your name?" He asked checking the bandages you put on him.
"I'm (y/n), but my friends call me
(n/n), at least that what they would call me if I actually had some" you told him.
"Were are your parents?" He asked looked around.
"Don't have non" you said.
He stared at you for a moment. He got a crazy idea to add to the other crazy ideas if you know what I mean.
"How would you like to have a home?"
🦇you promise not to tell anyone his secret identity.
You are now in the batmobile with Batman. He was taking you to your new home.
"If I'm going to be living with now can I at least know your name?" You asked him from your seat.
"I will but you have to promise to never tell anyone under any circumstances, understood" he said as he turned into a tunnel.
"Yup, I cross my heart hope to fly and stick a cupcake in my eye!"(MLP anyone).
"Have you ever heard of Bruce Wayne?" he asked you.
"Yep, he's supposed to be the richest man in Gotham" you told him, but then you realized something "wait a minute, your Bruce Wayne?".
"Yes and after today your now (y/n) Wayne".
"Ok does this mean your my new daddy?" You ask.
"Yes, yes it does" he said with a rare smile.
🦇You soon meet the rest of the batfam
"When we arrive I have some people I would like you to meet" he told you as he drove through a cave.
The car stopped and Batman helped you out and put you on the cave floor.
You grabbed his hand when you heard a bunch of yelling and footsteps.
"Drake come here so I can end you!".
"Dick the demon spawn is trying to kill me!, again!".
"Jason can you please help me here!".
"Nope, I already died once".
You saw four guys. Two were attaching each other, one was trying to separate them and then there was one just watching.
"Boys I have someone I would like you to meet" Then all eyes landed on you.
"Everyone I would like you to meet your new sibling (y/n)" he said while everyone look at you "(y/n) these are my sons Dick, Jason,Tim, And Damian".
They all looked down at you while you looked up at them with you surprisingly (e/c) eyes.
"Ok who'd you hook up with this time?" Asked Tim.
"No one Tim, in fact (y/n) actually helped me when I was ambushed by some of Jokers men" he told them as he showed them were you wrapped the bandages.
"So this kid helped you out?" Jason asked as he scratched his head.
"Hey for your information it wasn't easy" you said as you crossed you arms in front of your chest.
"Well since your now apart of the batfam why don't we introduce ourselves," Dick said happily "My names Richard but people call me Dick" he said shaking your hand.
"As long as you aren't one we'll get along just fine" you replied shaking his hand. Jason and Tim started laughing the heads off.
"Hahaha, whoa, anyway the name Jason, seems like we have a lot in common so if anyone starts problems come to me".
"Same to you, we street rats gotta watch each other's backs" he smirks at you comment.
"I'm Tim, need help hacking just come to me".
"Great good to know these someone good with tech cause I have no clue how to use a computer" you said smiling.
Then there was Damian. Let's see how this plays out.
"Hi I guess your my older brother now" you said looking up at him.
"I'm Damian and I won't tolerate any foolishness"
You then heard a moo. You looked behind Damian and saw a cow, Dog, and cat.
"Is that a cow!" you yelled running past him and to the animals. You instantly started petting Batcow.
"You like animals?" He asked.
"I don't like them I love them, heck I refuse to eat meat" you said while you started petting Titus and Alfred the cat.
A smile made its way upon his face as he watched you play with the animals.
This is going to be fun.
🦇you are loved by many.
You were currently at a charity gala surrounded by many people. You were currently hiding behind Bruce as he talked to many people.
"Mr Wayne is it true that you adopted yet another child? " said asked one of the many reporters that surrounded you both.
"Why yes I have, this is (Y/n)" Bruce said as he looked down at you.
"H-hi" you whispered still clinging to Bruce side. Some reporters awed at you shyness.
"So kid do you enjoy having a new family and home?" Ask a different reporter. 
"Yep, sometimes daddy takes me to work so Im usually with him a lot, it's fun" you then did a adorable little smile, the smile that gave you the name 'The joy of Gotham'.
🦇when you first encounter a bad guy it was quite funny.
You were at dessert table in the Galla still when suddenly there was a gun shot and a well known laugh.
"It seems I didn't get a invite" Joker said as his men entered the room and started stealing people's valuables.
He then saw you. You were eating a cupcake.
"Well looks what we have here" he said as walked up to you "hi there kid I'm
"Hi I'm (y/n)" you said as you stared at Joker.
"Why don't you come with me so we can have some fun?" He asked with that sickening smile.
"I can't" you said looking at him.
Confused he asked why.
"Because your a stranger and my daddy said to not go with strangers" you said as you put your hands behind your back.
"Well you don't have a choice" just as he was about to grab you you pulled out a taser and put it on full power. You then tased Joker so he was shocked (no pun intended), you then grabbed a empty platter and started beating him with it.
Once he was knocked out you ran to Bruce and hid behind him. You glared at Joker and his goons as they were taken away by the police.
🦇the Costume have arrived

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