Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) x Kitten reader

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'Kitten talking thinking'
"Kitten meowing"
(Y/n) POV
"Mew, mew, mew" I kept meowing so my homan 'Hal'could wake up.
'Wake up homan I needs to eats!' I started to pat his face until he got up.
"Okay, okay, I'm up," Hal rubbed his eyes as he looked down at me "you really got to stop waking me up (y/n)".
"Meeew!" 'Feed me!'.
Once he got out of bed he went to the kitchen to get some food for the both of us.I flew ahead of him ready to feast.
"I still don't get how you got a ring?" He said as he ate his food and watched the news. Did I mention you have a ring. It's a blue one but you still help. I got it when you come into Hal's life. I apparently gave him hope.
"Okay, come on (y/n)" he picked me up and cleaned up "I have to head to the watch tower for yet another meeting then monitor duty".
'What is dis 'meeting' you speak of homan?,' I thought as you both changed into your suits 'I wonder why my homan has to go to this 'meeting'.
He then clipped on me leash. Yeeeaaa, I needed its now since last time I gots lost in space.
"Come on, that faster we get there and over with the faster we can go on patrol" soon we were heading to the watch tower.
Ten minutes later
"Mew?" I were curious about what this big metal contraption was.
'Dis is very interestings!, I thought as Hal brought you to his room.
"Okay (y/n) you need to wait here," he told me placing you on the bed "once the meeting is done we have to go on patrol and then we head home".
"Meeew meeew!" 'Don'ts leave me here's homan!' I pleaded with him to not leave, but it was to late. He left me in this room with the door closed.
'Nope I ain't staying here!' I looked then a idea popped into my head 'I could just  open its with my ring!'.
And that you did.
Third person POV
Once out of the room you started to wonder around trying to find Hal.
'Homan were are yoooouuuuu' you thought as you looked around.
"Hey what was that?" Suddenly a person picked you up.
"Hi there little fella what are you doing here?" Asked BoosterGold. Along side him was Supergirl.
"Mew mrow raaaw" 'I needs to find my homan!'
He saw your ring and recognized it.
"Oh your (y/n)!" He then put you down
"GL told me about you, well you must be looking for him".
"Um, Booster I don't think (y/n) understands you?" Supergirl said as she looked down at you.
Suddenly Shazam flew past you guys.
"What's the rush Shazam?" Booster asked.
"I'm going to be late for the meeting!"  He started flying away but saw you.
'Dat is the place were my homan wents!'
"Mew meew!"
"Hey what's up with the cat?" He asked as he picked you up.
"Well I'm he's at the meeting I'll just take them with me" he picked you up and flew off.
"Do I even want to know?" Supergirl asked.
Five minutes later in the meeting
"A couple of days ago we got this alert," Batman then pulled up a satellite image of a blue blur "something was heading towards earth but disappeared, I suspect it's still here".
While everyone was paying attention Hal was thinking about you and wondered what you were doing.
'Should I have left food?'
'Did I lock the door?'
'What if they escaped?'
"GL, you good?" Asked Flash.
Suddenly Shazam burst into the room.
"Sorry I'm late but I got to reason why. One I had homework and two," he held you up for the others to see "I found this little fella".
'HOMAN!' You got out of Shazam's grasp and flew to Hal. And by flew you flew into his face.
"Um, Care to explain?" Asked Green Arrow.
"Well," Hal took you off his his face "this is (y/n) and as for the blue blur, well your looking at it" he showed them your collar which had your ring on it.
"Ok so your cat has a blue lantern ring" Flash was curious about how that works.
"Well ring go to different beings that poses the power the ring is looking for. I mean there's Dexstar he's a red lantern but is a cat" he said thinking of the time he fought that flee bag.
"Mew meow mew" 'Homan is dis the homan you keeps talking about!' You jumped on Flash.
"Mmmew mew mew!" 'hello homan you must be the one my homan likes!'
But flash didn't move he just sat there.
"Um, hi there (y/n)" you meowed with happiness.
"O-oh sorry, they don't usually do that" Hal said as he quickly grabbed you.
"They seem so... small" Wonder Woman picked you up examining your small figure.
"You should have seen them when I found them" he then proceeded to tell the tale of how he found you.
As Hal was walking home from a long day at work Ferris Aircraft when suddenly he heard a small meow come from a ally. With out any hesitation he walked down it. He then found the source. It was a small kitten. You were laying in a corner of a box. You looked up at him and let out the weakest mew you could even think of.
Hal bent down and picked you up and brought it to his chest. He noticed on the box there was a note.
To whoever finds this flea bag you can keep it and do whatever you want with it.
Hal was furious. How could someone leave this poor living creature out here to die. He was pulled out of his thoughts when the small you let out a weak mew.
"Hey it's okay" he remembers a animal hospital near his house, he ran out the ally and to the hospital.
One hour later
"Okay everything is cleared out, we'll try and find a foster home but for now they'll have to go to the pound" the vet told Hal.
"I'd like to adopt them!" Hal blurted out. The vet looked at him curiously.
"Are you sure, I mean there going to take up a lot of time?"
"Yes, I'm sure" Hal then sighed some papers so you were now a regular at the vet and payed for the bill. He then came upon something that would change everything.
"What is your pets name,?" He read as he looked at you "what should your name be?".
He thought of different names but none seemed to suit you until he thought of one that sounds like you. He smiled and wrote it down. Once everything was done he got to take you home after a quick visit at the local pet shop. One he arrived at his apartment he took you out a carrier and held you close.
"Welcome to your new crazy life (y/n)".
Next day
"Hal why do you have a kitten with you?" asked Carol.
"Meet (y/n) Jordan!" He said as he was carrying you in his pocket.
End of Flashback
"And that's how I got (y/n)" Hal said finishing the story.
"Wow, who new a kitten could make you into such softy" Flash told Hal.
"Meeeew" 'hungry' you were staving.
"Well would you look at the time, gotta go!" Hal grabbed you and flew off.
In Hal's room
"You know (y/n) sometimes I think you're to cute for your own good" he said as you sat on his lap.
To that you just gave him a boop on the nose.
'I wove you homan' you thought as you heard the door open. You looked and saw Flash.
"Hey Hal you left this" he said holding up your leash.
"O-oh, thanks" Hal grabbed the leash and put it on you.
'Why you gotta do that!' You thought as you started to float.
"I think it's pretty cool you adopted
(y/n)" Barry said as he stared at the floating kitten.
"Really!" Hal said flabbergasted.
"Yep, anyway I gotta go. See you around," Barry then scratches you under the chin "see you around (y/n)". He then speed off.
"(Y/n) have I ever told you how happy I am I found you".
'To many times homan, way to many times'.
I hoped you like dis.

Here is my kitty baby

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Here is my kitty baby.

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