Chapter 28

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My head hit the hard concrete with a very not good sound, but that wasn't the worst sensation I felt at that moment. No, worse was the unnaturally cold feeling of Liam's vampire skin on my own, chilling me instantly. 

"Get off!" I snapped, trying to shove him off. It was so dark that I couldn't even see where I was shoving at.

"Stop squirming and I might actually be able to!" Liam grumbled back. I squeaked in surprise, realizing just how close we were. His head was almost right at my own.

"Weirdo!" I shrieked, finally shoving him off me.

"Oh, grow up. It was your fault for pinching me," Liam said sarcastically.

"I wouldn't have had the chance to if you hadn't picked me up like that!" I shot back. Liam scoffed.

"You were moving like a snail. What else was I supposed to do?"

"I dunno, moved past me? And I was only moving so slowly cuz it's so dark I can't even see my own hands!"

"Not my fault humans are completely useless without light," Liam said haughtily. 

"Woooow," I droned. "Low blow. But hey, I'd rather be a useless human than anything remotely similar to you."

A few gasps sounded behind me, and I suddenly remembered who else lived down there. 

"Crap," Liam muttered. "You've just made me look like an idiot in front of my prisoners."

"Hey, don't blame me for your own completely not intimidating nature," I said snarkily, before I could think better of it. Too late, I realized my mistake.

I was met with complete silence. It seemed to stretch out for an eternity as I sat there, wishing I could take my stupid, stupid words back. Who cared how fast I could come up with retorts if the person I used them on could injure me in about two seconds? Where was my sense of self-preservation when I needed it?

"Go back to my room and sit silently on my bed until I come back," Liam ordered, a hard, icy edge in his voice. I guess I prefered cold to outright fuming, but I was still nervous out of my mind.

But how could I just sit there and wait while people got hurt? It wasn't right. No matter how my heart raced, following orders from a monster was just out of the question. Self-preservation be damned.

"But-" I started.

"See, here's your problem. You seem to think my commands are requests. They're not. And maybe that's my fault for being so nice and lenient with you about that mouth of yours, so I'm going to remedy that right now. Shut up, go to my room, and wait until I decide you can do something else."

Well never mind, then.

I felt my mouth hanging open in surprise. I'd been talking to him basically nonstop for almost two full days, and yet he still managed to surprise me. In an attempt to regain my dignity, I shut my mouth, got up, and marched to the stairs like it was my own idea. Like my heart wasn't racing so fast that my head felt light.

I dashed up the stairs as quickly as I could without falling. I'd find some other way to free the people down there. But right then? 

I'd rather be an obedient girl with a chance of escape than a free corpse.

A/N: short chapter whoopsie. there are more of you guys than the last time i wrote one of these so hi again. hope you like it. leave suggestions if you want? i don't know. i don't know how to write. im sorry.

have a nice holiday season. try not to injure yourselves. also try not to die. people would miss you.

Kidnapped by the Bad Boy Vampire Gang LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now