29 - The morning after

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October 4th 2021
I woke up with a stinking headache. I'd hardly slept the night before. I hadn't had much to drink at the after party but I felt horrible and I ached everywhere. I saw Nino still in bed beside me and I realised we were both naked. 'Did we have sex last night?' I thought to myself. I smiled at the thought though. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed his neck. "I love you Nino." I said softly. I could feel his dick under my foot and giggled. "You are so sexy Nino. We are going to have beautiful kids one day." At that Nino awoke.

"Kids? Wait? What?"

"Oh baby. Sorry for waking you love." I brought my legs back and he rolled over and pulled me into a kiss. The kiss grew deeper and deeper before I pulled back. "Baby, you remember last night right?"

"Yes, it was the night of my life. The night we first had sex. The night I took your virginity."

"Oh gosh yeah. You took my virginity. Wow." I giggled and kissed him again. "I don't really remember it all, but I know it felt wonderful. And I waited for the right man to come along before doing anything with anyone."

"I love you so much Becky."

"I love you so much too Nino." We then just cuddled in bed. "We did use protection right?"

"Yes, we used a condom and you are on the pill anyway remember."

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. I need to take today's. Do I tell my mom? I feel like she ought to know. But it may be weird."

"It's up to you Becky. Just do it quietly and in person." I nodded and cuddled up to him. "Can we go visit her again. I want to see my dad and sister too."

"Of course we can." Just then my phone rang.

"Oh, it's mama." I picked it up and answered. "Morning mama, you're on speaker, it's just me and Nino though."

"Good morning princess. Morning Nino. How was last night for you both?"

"It was great, thank you mama. I was so happy to see you. And the after party was incredible and yeah."

"That's nice honey. Did you get to spend time with Auntie Karen and Uncle Chris?"

"Yeah I did. It was so fun spending time with them. They got me the most beautiful Necklace between the two of them. It's a heart locket, on one side has a picture of me with the OG cast at the concert years ago. And the other side is a picture Uncle Lin sent them of the new cast on our first day of rehearsals."

"That's so sweet of them." Mom replied. "Well I called to say, Charlie and I have been discharged meaning we can come home today. So I was wondering if you and Nino wanted to come over for dinner tonight. Dad said he will cook something delicious. You won't be able to stay the night though because my parents, your Abuela and Abuelo are coming over tonight and spending the week with us."

"I'd love to come. And then Abuela and Abuelo can meet Nino. They are going to love him."

"They sure will."

"Babe, I assume that okay with you."

"Of course. I'd love to spend some time with your family. Also Becky, my parents are coming from Puerto Rico next week as they moved back. They planned to come for last night but couldn't afford the flights, so they got cheaper ones for this Friday, I'd love them to meet you finally."

"I'd love that too. Are they staying at your place? And do you want me spending the night? Or?"

"They are staying at mine, and I'd love you to come stay too. I can't imagine not sharing a bed with you."

"I'm still here you too." Mom said over the phone.

"Oh sorry mama. The answer is yes, Nino and I will be there tonight and we will bring a pudding. Probably that lemon flan I always make. And maybe a chocolate tart too."

"Okay see you later kiddos. I love you."

"Love you too mama, bye." I hung up and looked back at Nino. "So I'll be spending next week at your place." Nino nodded. "Okay, I'm excited."

"Me too. I hardly remember the last time I spent the night at my own place."

"Me neither, we definitely have though."

"Yeah." He replied, kissing me.

Everything I Know - Just Breathe Sequel - Adopted by Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now