18 - My Parents

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I brought Nino in and smiled. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure your parents are wonderful people Becky." He seemed nervous and I understood why.

"Okay, well this is going to be a bit of a shock, but you've actually already met my mom." I said softly.

"What do you mean?"

"Here's what I mean." I lead Nino down the corridor. "Mom, Dad. I'm here. And I have Nino with me." My sister ran out the living room first and jumped up to me.

"Becky!" I let go of Nino's hand and hugged my sister as she sat on my hip. I gave her a sisterly kiss and smiled at her.

"Nino, this is my sister Maribelle, Maribelle this is one of my cast mates Nino, he's playing Benny."

"Ooh and you're Nina. Are you gunna fall in love with him." I chuckled lightly.

"Who knows."

"It's nice to meet you Maribelle. Becky has told me lots about you." I then looked up and saw mom and dad standing there.

"And these are my parents Mandy Gonzalez and Douglas Melini." Nino looked up from my sister to see my mom and dad.

"Wait Mandy Gonzalez as in, original Nina and Angelica? Who was with us yesterday?"

"Yep, it's nice to see you again Nino." My mom held her hand out.

"You too Mrs Gonzalez." He said shaking it.

"Please, Call us Mandy and Doug." Nino just nodded.

"So...Wait Becky, can you please explain." He almost looked angry and disappointed in me.

"I'm so sorry I've been lying for the last few months. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you at all, I just..."

"I can tell that. Can you just tell me why?"

"I didn't want people thinking I got this role because of who my mom was. The reality is, that's how I got Hamilton. Mandy and Doug adopted me October of 2016 and Mandy took me to spend a day with her at the Theatre and she discovered a talent I didn't even know I had. I've always danced but I've never sung until I was adopted. I had vocal lessons with her and she taught me everything I know. One day Lin joined my lesson and then asked me to learn the Peggy and Maria track afterwards. That's how my career kickstarted. Chris Jackson and Karen Olivo were obviously close friends of my parents and became like a second set of parents to me. And on my 18th they became my Godparents. I took a year doing Wicked tour which I auditioned for like everyone else. I didn't plan on being in In The Heights. I went for the audition practice. I'm white British. Like, I told you this wasn't the show for me. Because I knew Lin like a close friend I messaged him before the audition and said specifically that I'm doing this as Becky and not as Mandy's daughter. And he understood that. I went through the whole process like everyone else and got casted because they wanted me in the role. The original Heights cast are like family to me, some literally are, like mom and Chris. On their tenth anniversary concert, I was asked to perform Fire Escape and do Breathe as a duet with my mom, by Lin and Alex. I've had such an incredible journey and rehearsals for the revival have been the highlight of my career so far. I've never done a show from the start and this is a whole new experience for me. So yes, I knew everyone when they came in yesterday. But they'd been told to not acknowledge me as a friend or family but that I was to be treated like everyone else, at my request. I just didn't want everyone knowing about it all there and then. I want to tell people gradually. And I started with you. I hope you can forgive me for the lies."

"So yesterday when you walked out so abruptly?"

"It became too much. It got so close to everyone finding out about my mom being the original Nina. When Hamilton was brought up I lied about how she took a year out because the truth was that we did perform together. I just became so overwhelmed yesterday that I had to go outside for a breather before I went into a full on panic attack."

"Well. I don't really know what to say." He still looked annoyed at me. And his tone of voice was harsh.

"Please Nino." My mom spoke up and walked over to me. "This has been hard on Becky." She rubbed my back soothingly and I put my sister down. "And because of our conversation yesterday, I know it was hard for her to tell you about me. She needs the support from her friends. She doesn't have many friends her age. Most of the Hamilton and Wicked casts being significantly older than her. I don't want to be the reason my daughter is sad and picked on by her cast mates. I don't want her going though that. She needs you Nino."

"Alright. I'm sorry Becky. I need to head home anyway. I'll see you Monday at rehearsals yeah?"

"I'll be there." I smiled and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and kissed my cheek.

"Have a good night Becky."

"You too Nino." I walked him back to the front door. "Thank you for dinner." I waved him off and went into the living room and slumped onto the couch.

Everything I Know - Just Breathe Sequel - Adopted by Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now