7 - Auditions

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18th June 2021
Mom was 25 weeks pregnant and auditions had begun for the In The Heights revival. I hadn't planned on auditioning as the creatives were like family to me. Lin was my uncle, I called him 'Uncle Lin.' But Mom told me to do it anyway as it's just audition practice, so I agreed. I picked up my phone and texted Lin.

'Hey Lin. I'm auditioning this afternoon for Heights, I just wanted to say can you treat me like everyone else. I'm Becky Melini-Gonzalez, not Mandy Gonzalez's daughter. I want to be me. And I know you know me well, but I want you and the guys to treat me like all the others auditioning. Thanks Becky xx'

I got my bag ready. I'd gone though songs with mom as well as other audition material not from the show. I was a dancer anyway so if I were to land a role, I assumed it would be in the ensemble. I headed into the city at 1 ready for my audition at 2. When I arrived the place was full of African Americans and Latinos, there were Asians and even a few white people. "This is not the right show for me." I whispered under my breath. I then got a response from Lin.

'Hey B, I'm happy to see you audition. I can't wait to see how you've improved since Hamilton and Wicked. I won't treat you as your mother's daughter because that's not fair but we will take into consideration what we know about you as a dancer, singer and actress. Break a leg and I'll see you in a few minutes xx Uncle Lin.'

'Thank you. See you in a bit.' I sat in the waiting room for us to all be called in for the first dance call. I caught a glimpse to a man with dark skin who looked very much like Uncle C-Jack, just younger. And he was very attractive. They were eventually called in and were split into boys and girls.

"Hello hello hello!" Lin called. "Welcome to our audition for the broadway revival of In The Heights." Everyone cheered loudly and I just smiled softly. "So if you don't know, I'm Lin-Manuel Miranda and I wrote the music and Lyrics as well as originated the lead, Usnavi. Beside me is Alex Lackamoire who is the orchestrator, Quiara Hudes, who wrote the book, Andy Blankenbulher who's our choreographer and Tommy Kail our Director. This is the same team as the original production 12 years ago." Again everyone clapped. "I recognise some of you from previous auditions for Hamilton or bring it on or other shows." As he said that he glanced at me and smiled. I looked down awkwardly at my feet then looked up. "Okay. So my team are going to go around and collect headshots and resumes. And then we will just pair you up." I gave my resume to Lac and he whispered in my ear.

"You'll be fine Becky. I can see the look on your face. Be fearless." I smiled at him and thanked him quickly. I was definitely nervous, I had a reputation to uphold, I was the youngest ever actress in Hamilton. Chances are out of a room of 20-25 year olds, I had the most highly ranked shows on my resume. We were quickly paired up and if by chance I ended up with the man who'd caught my eye earlier.

"Okay guys, introduce yourself to your partner you're going to be working with then a lot today. Go."

"Hey, I'm Nino, I'm twenty one and I'm from here in New York but my parents came from Puerto Rico."

"I'm Becky, I'm twenty, from New York too, The Heights to be precise, my mom's Mexican American Jewish, my dad's from Philadelphia but I'm from British birthparents because I'm adopted."

"Nice, my little sister is adopted she's 10. Any siblings yourself?"

"Yeah. Nine year old sister is naturally by my parents, I have a little brother on the way, my mom's 25 weeks currently and I also have a birth sister who lives in England who must be 18 or 19 now. I don't keep in touch much but she does come to see me whenever I get a professional job."

"That's nice. What shows have you done? Like professionally? I haven't done any Broadway or tours yet but did Avenue Q off-broadway in their 15 year reunion thing."

"I was in Hamilton when I was 18 and was alternate for Peggy/Maria then last March I joined the US wicked tour as Nessarose and came off that two months ago."

"Wait, What's your last name?"

"Melini-Gonzalez. Double barrelled from both parents."

"I think I saw you perform. You were incredible as Maria."

"Thanks." I blushed a little and then we were stopped.

"Okay everyone that's enough time." Lin called. "If you spread out in your pairs and we will get going."

Everything I Know - Just Breathe Sequel - Adopted by Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now