14 - Suprises

45 4 0

July 30th 2021
We were three weeks into rehearsals and we had finished all the music and were starting on choreography. Andy was teaching the choreography for the opening number so Tommy and Lin took me into a smaller studio to go over Breathe. "So what would you do as Nina in this moment?" Tommy asked me.

"Well I've just been on the stoop so I imagined that Nina would be leaning on her arms, that are on her knees for the beginning, then gradually move up. I remember that my mom looked around the stage as different people said hello to her. Then looked out to the top of the house for 'When I was a child, I stayed wide awake...etcetera"

"Okay, Good. How about you just run through the song and put in a bit of movement and we'll see how it goes. Obviously this room isn't as big but you get the idea."

"Sure." I went and sat on the little block that we were using as a stoop. I then sang though the song and added what I thought would be good.

"That was great Becky."


"Okay, part of the reason I called you in here privately is because I wanted to warn you of something. Some of the original cast are coming in today to meet with the new cast, see how they are getting on, giving them advice and all."

"That's fine I get it."

"Chris, Karen and your mom are all coming in, and we're told not to tell you, which is why you are only finding out now." I just nodded along. "Now, I get that this show is you, and not Mandy daughter and I completely respect that. Obviously all the principles know you very well from the concert and other things you've done with them. I'm more than happy to let them know to treat you like all the others in the new cast. I can tell them to not bring up or associate you with them and pretend this is the first time your meeting."

"I would appreciate that. Especially Uncle Chris, Auntie Karen and Mom. I don't want everyone to just go, 'oh Becky only got this because of her connections and being Mandy's daughter.' I'm really close with Nino now and we know a lot about one another. And I know it's weird if we were to start dating but from the way he acts around me especially when alone together then I think there is potentially something there. He knows I have connections with you Lin and with Chris, but he doesn't know about Mandy being my mom yet. I want to do that introduction outside of the theatre. Also don't tell mom about the potential romance, my last one ended badly as you know. But I'm older and more mature now. Sorry, got a bit off topic there."

"It's okay. I'll let them know." We shared a hug and I was asked to call my mom about the visit.

"Hey princess, why are you calling me? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is perfect, and I've just been told you are all coming in to meet the revival cast and to have conversations with us. Can we try to hide that you're my mom? I don't want everyone to know just yet. Eventually yes, but not until the casting announcement has gone live. I don't want everyone thinking that I got it because you are my mom. They all know that I have connections with Lin but that's through doing Hamilton and auditioning to be in it, not how it actually happened."

"That's Okay honey, stop stressing. I'll let everyone know."

"Thank you, Tommy said he would message everyone, but coming from you would be better. I want us meeting to be as if I'm meeting you for the first time or something. People may figure it out if they know your surname is the second part of mine and know your husband is Douglas Melini, then it may be leaked. But I don't particularly want to just tell everyone."

"Of course Becky. I want what's best for you. And as you said, this is your show, and your chance to show who you really are."

"Thanks mama, you're the best. Love you."

"Love you too. I'll see you in a bit." She hung up and I was suddenly really excited. Because even if I had to pretend I didn't know them, I was seeing my godparents for the first time in months and loads of people who I called my family.

Everything I Know - Just Breathe Sequel - Adopted by Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now