28 - Opening Night

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October 3rd 2021
I stood in my dressing room, it was opening night and I was nervous as hell.

"Babe, Respira. You're going to be just fine, I know it." Nino said standing my the door.

"I just wish mom was here. She's missing one of the biggest night of my life so far."

"I know, but she's thinking of you. I know she is, she's given you all the amazing gifts and things for your dressing room. She's there in your heart. And you're in hers."

"I guess so. I need a hug." Nino came towards me and hugged me close, kissing the top of my head. "Break a leg my Benny boy. Congratulations on your broadway debut, I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you Becky. And congratulations to you on your first opening night of a show." I smiled and look up at him. "I love you B. And I'll see you on that stage, break a leg in Breathe."

"I love you too. Break a get on that dispatch, your gunna rock it." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him softly.

"Places. All cast for top of act one."

"Here we go." We held hands and walked to our places.

All I could remember as Nino and I stood side by side at the end of the show, was that I had done it, he had done it, as a cast we had done it. I was so proud of everyone onstage and offstage. Nino and I ran offstage together and he kissed me while the salsa music played. The cast went on in order, Nino and I going on last before Tony. We ran on holding hands and dropped them. I pointed to him and he bowed to a huge applause. Then he put his hand towards me and I did a curtsy. We held hands together, going back and towards stage left next to Monica and Ciarra. We then all held our hands out to upstage centre and Tony came out. He bowed and then stepped back and the full cast went into a line and bowed together. Then we have a hand to the conductor and then back to another bow. We stepped back again and all the swing and standbys came out. They took a bow and then the creatives came out again with the producers.

"Hello hello hello. Thank you all for coming tonight. It's not often an entire creative team is the same for both the original company and the revival but I've had the privilege of working with my cabinet again, but with this phenomenal group of actors. Over 3/4 of them have just made their broadway debut, including Nino, Ciarra, Luis, Anthony and Tony, our Usnavi. I've had the privilege of working with some old friends including Eliseo who's been the Priagua guy for both productions, and my dear friend, Becky, our Nina, who I've been working with as long as I've known her from when she was just 16 and didn't even know she could sing. I'm so proud of everyone on this stage right now, and I know all the original broadway cast from 2008 would be immensely proud of you for continuing the show they built and they have flowers for all of you. Thank you all and enjoy the party tonight." The rest of the original cast came out and handed flowers to their opposite. I hugged uncle Chris and auntie Karen before feeling a tap on my shoulder.

"You were so amazing Mija and I'm so proud of you." I turned and saw my mom. She was actually there.

"MAMA!" I wrapped both arms around her tightly. She hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. "What are you doing here?"

"Seeing my daughter's opening night of In The Heights."

"But you were meant to be at the hospital." I said still in shock.

"They let me go for this evening. I can't stay for the after party as I have to get back to Charlie and dad has to take Maribelle home, but we all loved it so much. And I'm so proud of you."

"I'm so glad you made it."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Mija and you know that."

"I dunno. I thought you weren't here. All I thought about during the show was you and just trying to make you proud."

"Well you made me so proud, now have your flowers." I took the flowers from her and hugged her again. She gave me a kiss and I grabbed Nino.

"Babe, she came. Mama came and saw me."

"I know, she texted me at half hour saying she'd been able to make it."


"I knew you'd stress out if you knew she was there. She wanted to surprise you too, and she did a good job of that."

"Yeah." I hugged and kissed him and then hugged my mom again. "I love you Mama."

"I love you too Mija."

Everything I Know - Just Breathe Sequel - Adopted by Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now