26 - Family of 5

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I had to go home before the show ended so Nino came straight to mine. I was excited to show him my baby brother, but I was more excited to pick up Maribelle and take her to see him. Nino and I spent the morning cuddled in bed together. "You get to meet little Charlie today." I said softly.

"I'm so excited to meet your baby brother Becky, you're going to be an amazing sister to him."

"Thanks babe. I can't wait to pick up Maribelle and take her. I don't think she even knows that he's been born yet. She was at a friends house last night and school in between. So we are picking her up from school at 2:30 and taking her to the hospital."

"Sounds perfect." He gave me a soft kiss and I kissed back for a while before we separated and got ready for the day ahead.


Nino and I stood in the playground of Maribelle's school waiting for her to come out so I could pick her up and take her to the hospital. Her teacher opened the door and the kids came rushing out. Mari had a frown on her face, and her cheeks were a red and puffy. I ran over to her and hugged her. "Hey Mari." She looked up and upon realising it was me smiled widely.


"I missed you too princess." I kissed her forehead and hugged her. "What's wrong? Why have you been crying gorgeous girl?" She didn't answer and she kept her head buried into my chest. I lifted her up into my hip and she stayed cuddled into me, her head moving to her shoulder. I walked over to her teacher and smiled softly. "Hey, I'm Mari's Sister. Can I just ask why she's upset and has been crying? She won't tell me, and I need to know, so I can tell our mom."

"Ah yes, I was was looking for your mom to speak to her. But I can tell you as long as you pass it on." I nodded and adjusted my sister on my hip. "So a few of the kids got in a argument, not involving Maribelle. She saw it happen and came and told the teacher on duty. Because she told on them, the other kids got angry at her and pushed her over causing her to scrape her knee and palms. She went to the nurse and got cleaned up, but she's been saying that it's still painful. I suggest you give her some paracetamol and Ice packs when you get home, just to numb the pain."

"Okay, Thank you for letting me know. I'll make sure to tell our mom as soon as we get home. Maribelle can you say goodbye and thank you." Maribelle waved at her teacher but didn't say anything.

"Have a good rest of the day Maribelle, and I'll see you tomorrow, don't forget to bring something for show and tell."

"Okay." She squeaked.

"Becky can you give me your magic get better kisses?"

"Of course I can." I hissed her palms and her knees and Maribelle smiled at me. "Is that a bit better?"

"It's a lot better! Thank you. Can we go home Becky, ooh, can I stay at yours this afternoon?"

"I have an even better idea." We walked over to Nino and Mari was excited to see him again. We all got on the subway and headed to the hospital.

"Becky, Home is the other way!"

"I know, we're not going home just yet through."

"Oh, Okay. Where are we going?" She asked sitting on my lap.

"You'll see." Once at the hospital Maribelle looked confused. Nino carried her in and we got them both a wrist band and I took them up to moms room. "Maribelle, are you ready to meet your baby brother Charlie?"


"Yeah. Let's go in." I opened the door and held Maribelle's hand.

"There's my beautiful girls." Mom said as she saw us.

"MOMMY. I missed you so much. Your belly bump has gone?"

"I missed you too princess. And yeah, the bump is gone, but that's because the baby is here."

"Where is He? Can I see and hold my baby brother? I promise to be very careful with him."

"Of course you can see him, and hold him. He's currently in the NICU, so they are going to bring him in any minute. How was school though?"

"Bad, I got pushed over in the playground at lunch time, and I hurt my hands and my knees. The nurse at school helped me get better, and Becky gave them her magic get better kisses when she picked me up. So they don't hurt as much any more."

"I'm sorry sweetie, I'm glad you're feeling a little better sweetie." There was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in.

"Your son is good for you to see him."

"Yes please, both my girls are here." The door shut and then opened again and a little trolly was brought in with our brother.

Everything I Know - Just Breathe Sequel - Adopted by Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now