10 - Call Backs

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21st June 2021
"Becky! Wake up! Wake up! You have to leave!" I opened my eyes and my mom and sister were shaking me.

"What's going on?" I looked around and found I was in Maribelle's bed.

"You fell asleep next to me last night, and you have to be at the call back in just under an hour." I jumped out of bed, thanked them both and ran to my room and changed. I had a breakfast bar and left the house after having good lucks from all my family, including Charlie and Benny, who I was taking with me to my new apartment. I ran down to the subway station, bag still packed from the day before, got on the subway and made it to the studio at 8:55. I rushed in and saw Nino, one other Latino guy from yesterday called Marc and lots of others from the other auditions.

"Hey, Nino. Sorry I never texted you or called you back. After putting Mari to bed, I was with my parents and felt my baby brother make his first kick. I then got the call to come in. I got so excited as did my parents at the news that we woke my little sister and i fell asleep while stroking her hair after tucking her back into bed. I then overslept as I didn't set an alarm because I wasn't expecting to sleep right there and then. And yeah. I'm sorry."

"Hey, calm down Becky. It's okay, respira." He put his hands on my waist and I looked down between us. I took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm just happy to see you here, a nice surprise because I was so worried you didn't get through."

"Thanks." I stepped into him and we mutually shared a hug.

"Hello, everyone. Thank you all for coming." I heard Lin's voice call. I pulled back from the hug, but Nino kept one arm around me. We both looked towards the door and Lin was there smiling. "If you'd all like to come on in and we will get started on casting this show." I saw him scan the room and do a double take when she saw Nino's arm around me. I blush and almost burst into fits of giggles, but I controlled them. Nino and I walked towards the the door with our bags.

"After you miss Melini-Gonzalez." He pointed to the open door with the arm that wasn't around my waist and smiled down at me.

"Why thank you Mr..." I glanced up at him.

"Gomez." I giggled lightly and stopped when I saw Lin looking at me. I stepped away from him and walked away.

"See you in a bit. Break a Leg."

"You too Nino. I called back." I really liked him, but I didn't want anything to happen before casting. I didn't want one of us to get in and then the other not to. Or I didn't want to have to be opposite another guy if I had strong feelings for Nino, or vice versa. I couldn't do that to him or me.

"Okay, so we're going to start, can we Nino and Becky, Steve and Joanna..." I didn't pay attention to the rest, all I knew is that I'd be paired with him for chemistry. I wasn't sure if that would be a good thing or bad thing, but I had no say in anything now, I just hoped I didn't cost him the job. The time seemed to fly by and soon I was about to leave. Nino had gone earlier, but was waiting outside for me. "Becky Melini-Gonzalez, can you stay back for a second for us?"

"Sure." I packed my bag then stayed in the room as the other girls left. Once they were gone I was called over to them.

"Firstly audition is over so I want to go back to our usual connection." I nodded and smiled. "You did great today Becky. I'm proud of you. You've developed so much since 2017, you really have. And I'm proud to have been part of your journey."

"Thank you Uncle Lin." He gave me a hug and I hugged him back tightly.

"Just a quick question, do you want to be part of this show? I know Mandy wanted you to do it for the practice and experience of auditioning again since being away for a year. We have a vague casting idea and we want you in the show, it depends if you want to do it."

"I would love to do it, I just don't know if it's right given my ethnicity."

"What did I say to you last time, when you said that about Hamilton?"

"I'm still an immigrant." Lin nodded. "I'll say this, I'd be honoured if you'd cast me in the revival of the show that changed my life."

"Okay. Thank you. I'll give you a call later sweetheart."

"Thanks Lin." I smiled and headed out the door. "Lin just wanted to ask me something." I said to Nino as I could read the questioning look on his face.

"Okay. I was a little confused as to why you were there after everyone else." I nodded. "Anyway, wanna go out for lunch?"

"Definitely, I'm starving." He slipped an arm around my back again and we walked into the city to grab lunch.

Everything I Know - Just Breathe Sequel - Adopted by Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now