20 - Girly day

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I talked with my sister on the train when mom suddenly grabbed our hands. "Becky, Mari, Charlie's kicking. That's the first time." We rested our hands on her baby bump that was now pretty big and smiled.

"That's so cool mom." Maribelle said. I didn't say anything and tears fell down my cheeks.

"Becky, what's wrong?" Mandy ran her hand though my hair and looked at me worried.

"Nothings wrong. Everything is perfect. My mom and my baby brother are both healthy and happy. My dad is still creating the most amazing art and my sister is full of love and happiness that I can never be sad when she's around. The only thing not perfect is me and Nino, but hey ho, that's just typical." I sighed and continued to feel my brother kick.

"It's will get better Becky. I promise you sweetie." Mom kissed my forehead as I just rested my hand on her belly. He seemed excited and I found myself smiling widely. We got to our stop and all got off the subway. We headed down to the studio hand in hand smiling. I helped my sister put her special jazz shoes on and then gave her a hug as she headed into the studio. I sat by mom at the window and watched her carefully.

"She's so talented, how have I not seen her dance in so long! She's amazing and so beautiful! I think you may have a little family of Broadway actresses, Daddy can only hope that Charlie is a painter." Mom giggled beside me.

"Yeah, Maribelle's been working hard on her dancing and she keeps asking for singing lessons, but it's a lot of money and I don't know if we can afford it with Charlie on the way. I would teach her myself but I think it would be more beneficial for someone else."

"Mom, I'll get her singing lessons. You don't need too! I have all my tour money, and lots of my Hamilton money."

"Becky. I can't let you do that. That's your hard earnings."

"But if I get her vocal lessons then it means the money goes to something worth while than me spending it on random stuff and also means I can give something back to my sister after all she's done for me, without her realising it."

"Alright then honey."

"Thank you." I sat and watched my sister in her jazz class and then her ballet class and finally her 30 minutes private tap lesson. When she came out I gave her a huge hug. "You are so amazing Maribelle. I can't believe I've missed out on all your progress. You're a better dancer than I am."

"No I'm not Becky." She laughed. "You're an amazing dancer. You're on broadway!"

"Okay, but I've never done ballet before so you are much better at that. And I'm in a principle role meaning I don't actually dance really in the show. And your tapping is incredible."

"Thank you Becky." We let go from our hug and I took Maribelle's trainers and hoddie out of her bag.

"Okay, put these back on and then we can head home. You need to change and how about the two of us go play with Benny in the park?"

"Yeah!" Maribelle changed her shoes and put her hoddie on and then I carried her on my back to the subway stop. we got on and went home again. Dad was off at work, so the three of us went to the park with Benny. Mom sat and watched as Maribelle and I played with him. However when I turned to look at her I began to panic after seeing the look of pain on her face.

Everything I Know - Just Breathe Sequel - Adopted by Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now