16 - Being Sneaky

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"Good to see you again Becky." Chris started. I'd told Nino I knew him so it was okay. "And it's Nino right?"

"Yep," I said smiling. I trusted Uncle Chris to keep my secret safe. I also trusted mom to do the same. I was worried that I'd ruin it.

"Mandy, congratulations on your son. I just thought I should say that." Nino pointed out.

"Thank you Nino."

"Becky. Your mom is pregnant with her third too isn't she." Nino added.

"Yeah. And it's a boy." I replied awkwardly.

"Must be a coincidence then, tell her congratulations from me Becky." Mandy told me.

"I will. Thank you."

"So any questions?" Chris asked.

"What was rehearsals like and mainly building the chemistry like? We all know there's the romantic connection between Benny and Nina. How did you gain that in rehearsals?" Nino asked.

"A close friendship is key. Chris and I bonded incredibly quickly. We worked on the show together since 2004 in readings so it had been a long friendship before broadway, but just spend time with one another outside the rehearsal room, be there for each other and be honest is the main thing. What about you Chris?"

"Everything Mandy said is so important. I'd just add, that you want to know what Benny and Nina's relationship is at each stage of the show. Benny's dispatch, they both like one another but haven't told the other, Usnavi knows Benny likes Nina but they don't know about the others feelings. When you're home, it's two friends together, but the romantic feelings grow and they both realise that. When they take each other's hands, that is such a key moment in the show. Then the club and blackout when they fight and then kiss. Nina's being obvious that she loves Benny and Benny is angry at her because of something she didn't get a say in. Then so on. Go through it together one day and figure it out."

"Thanks. Becky do you have any questions?"

"Um, not really linked with Heights much. But how has your lives changed because of the shows success." I said so unsure of what to ask.

"Well I'm sure you both know Hamilton." We nodded. "Well we both did that, Chris was OBC Washington and I replaced Renée as Angelica in 2016."

"Wait, Becky? Did you do Hamilton with Mandy? Do you know each other?" I shook my head.

"No, Mandy left just before I joined unfortunately, I would have loved to do it with her though. She's such a role model to me." The second half would always be true, but I had to lie in the first half.

"Yeah. I took a year out to focus on my family and my solo music and then came back. I've heard great things about Becky though. And I'm pretty sure I saw you preform." I smiled and blushed a little.

"Wow." I said glancing at her in a way of panic. This was too much for me to handle and I could feel myself burning up. "I'm going to go get my water bottle. I need to refill it outside though so I'll be a while." I got up and left the room bottle in hand. I did go fill it up then went to the bathroom and finally waited for a while outside the studio door until I calmed down. But before I could go back in, Mandy came out.

"You okay honey?" I shook my head and she brought me into a hug.

"It was too close. You know I hate to lie, but I had to then. And that was far too close."

"Why don't you want him to know?"

"Because he will think I got the role because of you. That's why."

"I'm sure he won't. Maybe if you tell just him. And ask him to keep it quite. Especially if from what Lin said is true, he's going to know sooner or later."

"Why did Lin say?"

"That you and Nino are very close and the romantic chemistry is already very strong and you are both very flirty."

"God I could kill Uncle Lin!" I joked. "Yeah, he's cute, I kinda like him, but I'm a little nervous after last time."

"You're more mature now. I'm sure you'll be fine. And I personally think you look very good together."

"Thanks mama." She gave me a gentle hug and I just wanted to stay in her arms forever. After a few minutes Chris came out.

"Everything okay out here. I think Nino is a bit worried about you Becky, and just to let you know, he really likes you."

"Thanks. And yeah, I'm good now." I stood up and headed back into the room. Nino had a worried look on his face. I headed to him. "Sorry if I worried you. It all just got a bit much."

"I'm sorry that happened Becky. Come here." He gestured to the space on the floor next to him. I sat down by his side. His arm went around me and I cuddled into him.

"Nino, I like you too." I whispered.

"How'd you know I liked you?"

"Because it's kinda obvious, you flirt with me and you cuddle me like this and you told Chris. Who just told me."

"I guess so. So do you fancy a date Becky?"

"I'd love one Nino. But I can't tonight. Maybe tomorrow evening. I have something important you need to know that I will tell you then."

"Sounds perfect, I'll pick you up from your parents place at 6?"

"Go with my place. I'll be there. You know where that is right?"

"Never been, But I have the address. It's just a few doors down right."

"Yeah." We we're called in together after mom and Chris returned and everyone showed the opening number so far to the original cast then I got to perform Breathe which went brilliantly thankfully. We then all parted ways and headed home and back to where my mom could just be my mom and nothing else.

Everything I Know - Just Breathe Sequel - Adopted by Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now