Chapter 16: Consummate

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The other man is a mass of solid muscle, but Cas is able to carry him with no problem at all. Gently, he places him in the bed, and under the covers. Turning the lights off, he quickly undresses, and lays next to Dean, trying to warm him. Listening to Dean's breathing in the dark, lulls Cas to sleep, his arms wrapped tightly around the other man.

The room dark, and feeling incredibly warm, Dean comes awake, arms and legs tangled with someone else. Turning his head he's surprised to see the sleeping angel next to him, he tries not to move too much, but Cas opens his eyes, and smiles. "Good Morning, Dean. How are you feeling?" The angel slowly pulls his arms back from Dean's chest and untangles his legs.

"I'm feeling, calm. I don't feel like I want to rip your throat out. I'm assuming your Grace did the job?" Dean muses, scanning the man next to him. He feels a strong need to press his body against Cas' and acts on it.

Dean places a kiss on the angel's soft lips, surprising the other man. He wraps his arms around his lower body, locking his legs with Castiel's. "Dean, what are you...?" His words cut off by another scorching kiss.

"Cas," Dean whispers in the darkness, "thank you, for never giving up on me." He bites the angel's lips, pulling slightly and rewarded with a moan, his arms clutching at Dean. "I want to show you how much I appreciate everything you've ever done for me." Reaching down between them, Dean takes Cas into his hand, surprised on the weight and length of the angel's tool.

Castiel groans with the intimate touch, "Dean, are you sure, this isn't like us."

"I think it's time we stop denying what we feel for each other, Cas. For too long I have been running from this, from us. I'm tired of running." Dean confesses, gripping Cas firmly, slowly pumping. Cas tosses his head back with a moan, the sound echoing in the room.

Dean kisses down Cas' neck, rolling the man under him. Still slowly working with his hand, he finds Cas' nipple, taunt and hard. Licking it, and pulling another sound from the angel, he blows a warm breath over the tip. Castiel arches his back, gripping the sheets, the feeling beyond heavenly. Slowly, Dean moves his way lower, biting and kissing, until he gets to the crisp hairs marking the usually forbidden territory.

Diving in, Dean breathes in Castiel's scent, that cedar, and mint, and it's intoxicating. He's never encountered anything like it, from any of the many women he's been with. Dean thanks the many hours of porn for the knowledge on how to do the next part properly, and licks up the full length of Castiel's member.

"Dean!" Castiel calls out, his hand going from the sheets to get lost in Dean's hair. Dean places his hand over the one in his hair and takes the man deep into this mouth. Again, Cas cries out, pushing himself deeper. There is a blue glow that begins to fill the room, and Dean looks up to Cas' face to see his eyes glowing blue.

Smiling around Cas' cock, knowing he's the one responsible for his, he continues his work. Teasing with his tongue and nipping with his teeth, Dean quickens the pace. Using his mouth and hand, soon he has Cas panting, calling out his name again. In a short time, Cas' cock begins to get bigger, and the angel's body begins to shake.

"Dean, I'm close," he warns, giving ample time for Dean to stop if he wants.

"Good," Dean says from around Cas. This is the angel's undoing and he growls, cumming hard down Dean's throat, pumping his mouth, and holding the back of Dean's neck.

Breathing hard, Cas sits up, pulling Dean into his lap. His cock still inhumanly erect. "Cas, what!?" Dean says, surprised by the angel's strength and suddenly action.

"We're not done here." Cas smiles at Dean, their cocks rubbing against each other, both of them weeping, and throbbing. Cas reaches down, gripping them together, spreading the moisture, and Dean groans at the pressure from his hand. "I've been waiting to take you like this for so long. To share myself with you." Cas takes his fingers into his mouth, coating them with his slick saliva, and his hand disappears between Dean's cheeks.

Dean body stiffens as Cas slowly inserts his fingers into his body. Using his powers Cas gingerly opens Dean up to him. Dean cries out as a pulse of power fills him and his arms pulling Cas closer to him, his cock straining against the angel's stomach. "God damn it Cas," Dean blurts out.

Cas slowly begins working on Dean's hole, making his cock shudder and spew more liquid. Dean tosses his head back and begins to ride Cas' fingers, the feeling and power making him crazy with lust. "Cas, please... just take me already," Dean begs, the embarrassment in his voice. Cas obliges, slowly removing his fingers, and places himself at the opening of Dean's ass.

Before Cas can ask if it's okay, Dean impales himself on the angel's throbbing sword.

"Ohhhh god Cas..." Dean moans, his body bucking as his seed explodes up Cas' chest. He begins to ride Cas, hard. Each thrust met by the other man, both of them groaning and growling out their pleasure. Dean pulls Cas closer, pinning himself between their muscles stomachs, the friction pulling another orgasm, and making the men sticky. His kisses Castiel, feverish, feeling full with the angel's cock inside him.

"Dean..." Castiel growls, a second before he cums deep inside of him. Blue light flashes bright within the room, causing the lightbulbs in the room to shatter, and he pulls Dean to him, trying to protect him from the falling glass.

The door explodes open, and Dean grabs up a blanket a moment before Sam sees the two men in the throes of passion.

"Castiel... that power...." Sam begins, but stops, stunned at the scene of a naked Dean sitting next to a naked Castiel. The blanket pooled in the men's lap. "Tell me you two didn't... just...." Sam blinks.

"What, Sam... what is it?" Dean growls impatiently.

"That power that you felt between the two of you... the draw... I found the cause of it. You guys, vampires mate for life... and you two just mated..." Sam shakes his head, not believing what has just happened.

"Well... fuck me." Dean blurts out.

"Already did that," Castiel replies, smiling at Dean.

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