Chapter 5: Where Am I?

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"Dean. I'm back," Cas says, his voice low and calming. "I'm sorry that I have kept you in this state. Unfortunately, things are not going to get any easier tonight. I only hope you will not hate me when it is all done." Cas pulls a rolling table closer to Dean and places the bowl on top of it. He puts the washcloth into the warm water, turning to Dean. "I'm ... uhhhh... going to remove those dirty clothes now."

Dean's head continues to hang, his breathing deep and even. He appears to be sleeping, probably exhausted from the vampire fights, the conversion, and the powers used on him. Cas is gentle as he approaches the man and uses sharp scissors to first cut into his black flannel shirt. This wakes Dean, who begins to fight against his restraints. Cas takes the scissors away, placing them next to the bowl of water.

"Dean! Dean! It's okay... You're safe." Cas tries to assure him, placing a hand on his chest to calm him.

"Cas? Where am I? Why..." his questioning stops as he shakes the chains. Dean is angry, his memory a little foggy and he wants answers.

Remorse darkens Cas' features, "Dean," he begins, "What do you remember?"

"I remember getting into a fight with some vampires. I remember warning Sam... then it gets messed up. I keep seeing a bar, and a dark-haired woman. Cas..." Dean squints his eyes, struggling to recall it all. "I remember us, being really close... uhhhh, did I... kiss... you?"

"Dean, a lot has been done this night, but it's okay. Mostly. What else do you remember?" Cas probes further, seeing if he remembers the power used on him earlier.

"I remember having this really awesome hot dream about Taylor Swift, I mean like, mind-blowing." Dean shares, shifting in the chains, he can feel the drying wetness on his pants. "Oh, and I guess other things too." A blush creeps into his face, as he meets Cas' eyes. "I'm uhhh sorry that you have to see me like this, man. Now if you could just let me out, and let me get cleaned up. I'm really tired for some reason."

Cas looks at his phone, the clock saying it is well past sun-up. He shrugs out of his coat, putting it on a nearby chair. "Dean, I'm going to clean you, because we have a lot more to get through today. This isn't going to be a comfortable night, I imagine, and for that I am sorry."

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