Chapter 15: By My Grace

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The flutter of feathers wakes Dean, and he looks up to see Cas' blue eyes. He smiles, happy that the angel has returned, but it deflates a little, worry setting in. "Cas, did it work?"

"I'm sorry Dean, but it didn't. I hope I didn't hurt you too badly." Castiel apologizes, removing the needles and tubes from the other man's body. "I think I have something else that will work, at least, I hope it will."

Dean looks at Cas, hope sparkling in his hazel eyes. "What is it?"

"My Grace." The words full of emotion, Cas chances a smile, his faith in this overly abundant.

"Cas, can you afford to do this? It's not like it comes back instantly... it will take time to regenerate." Dean counters.

Cas moves to stand in front of Dean, looking over his chained up person. "I will not continue to have you be my prisoner. I need you to be free. This hurts me too much to see you like this, and I know you can't be enjoying this any more than I."

"I mean... not all of it has been terrible," Dean jokes, trying to break the seriousness of the moment.

Cas shakes his head. Patting Dean on the shoulder. "I want you out of here. I want us to go home... together." He smiles at Dean again, making the other man blush slightly at the weighted promise.

"Okay, fine... how do we do this? We just bottle it up and I drink it down?" Dean inquires.

"I think it'll be a little more intimate than that because I don't have one of the special vessels for it. You'll have to take it from me. Now, when we do this, we're going to be tied together. A piece of me will always be with you. This means, if you'd allow me, you can be a temporary vessel for me." Cas explains, slowly and clearly, giving a chance for Dean to change his mind.

"Is that ALL? Doesn't seem so bad. Is there anything else I should know about, like mind reading, or angel radio?" Inquires Dean.

"I don't know. I've never freely given my Grace to anyone. You'll be the first Dean." He shares with his friend.

Something unspoken passes between the both of them. Perhaps an understanding of the situation, or maybe a calculation of the risk they are taking. Whatever it is, Dean nods his head. "I would be honored, Cas.

Nodding in agreement, Castiel grabs the angel blade from the table then turns back to Dean. "After I make this cut, my Grace will be available to you. I'll push out just enough to heal you, and you'll have to drink it in. Dean, I don't know what will happen, and if it goes wrong, I promise I will do whatever I can."

"Damn Cas now is not the time to scare me. Enough with the doom and gloom, let's dance." Dean winks at Castiel, a grin on his face.

Shaking his head, trying not to smile, and failing. Cas leans in incredibly close to Dean, pulling his head down to his neck. Dean fights the need to bite, his fangs extending. His body starts to shake with the willpower to keep calm. Cas drags the blade just below his Adam's apple, the blue Grace dancing close to Dean's slightly opened mouth. "Now, Dean," Cas begs, pushing his head closer.

Dean's lips seal over the cut, taking in the Grace and making Cas shiver all over. A moan escapes from his mouth, as he pushes the man's head closer, tipping his own head back and leaning his body against Dean's. The feeling is blissful and strangely erotic. Making Cas instantly hard and wanting. He wraps his arms around Dean's naked shoulders, holding him tight.

After a few moments, he pulls away, healing the cut, and watching the Grace go to work. The effects are immediate. Dean's muscles bunch and strain, as he fights against the working power. He growls, his fangs extended, and he pulls harder against the chains, the iron hooks holding the chains, bowing slightly. Dean's hazel eyes are tinged with an ethereal blue glow, that moves from his eyes, and begins to spread throughout the rest of this body.

Dean begins to scream out as the Grace destroys the vampire virus. His hands in fists back bowed, he screams louder, as the blue light in his body begins to grow brighter. Then the lights fades completely, and Dean is left hanging in the chains, his legs giving out completely, unconscious.

"Dean!" Cas rushes to the man's side, holding him up from the floor. He unlocks the manacles, and slowly lowers the both of them to the floor. He passes his hand over his face, scanning for life. Relieved to find his lifeforce. He manages to retrieve his phone from his nearby coat, sending Sam a message to meet him in the bunker, then teleports both of them to Dean's room.

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