Chapter 14: Not Yet Sammy

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The room is back in order, and Sam is, hunched over, pouring through a massive stack of books. He feels a presence in the room, pulling a gun on the angel.

"Damn it Cas, you have to say something. You can't keep surprising me like that, or I may shoot you." Sam says, exasperated.

"I'm sorry, Sam. I will make my presence known better next time." Castiel apologizes. "What did you need to see me for?"

Looking at Cas' wet, blood-soaked shirt, Sam narrows his eyes. A tick starting in his jaw. "Cas, whose blood is that?"

Castiel looks down at this almost red shirt. Pulling at it a bit, the wet fabric sticking to his skin. "This would be Dean's, but I assure you he is safe and okay. He's sleeping right now while getting a transfusion. I was about to call you, but thought it would be better for me to come in person." Cas says, rather quickly, so he doesn't get shot.

Sam nods slowly, the wheels turning in his brain, as he parcels out the reasons why he may have taken this course of action. "You were bloodletting him, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was. I managed to get most of his vampire blood out of him, but the virus, or whatever it is... it's someplace else. He's still infected." Cas says, defeated. "Everything I've tried hasn't worked. He a danger to himself and others, but I can't give up on him. I don't want to keep

him chained up for eternity. He's a terrible vampire. He has so much rage and no self-control. There also seems to be an allure to him. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm susceptible to it. Can you investigate this for me? I'm not sure if it's a vampire power, or something else."

"Other than the additional power you're talking about, that sounds like regular, human Dean. Except this one has a bloodlust and fangs. Also, I'll look into it. You know, earlier I was reading something in this book here," Sam grabs a large book with a faded green cover, "it says that an angel's Grace can heal and recover a human. What if we try that? You're more than juiced up, and Dean isn't weak."

"I would give anything to get Dean back, even my Grace." Cas mulls over the idea, he's never shared this part of himself, willingly, with anyone. It's only been taken from him. An unnamed feeling washes over him. He feels unusually optimistic, the idea that his grace could save Dean.

"I'm coming with you..." Sam begins, but Cas interrupts him.

"I need you to look into that power. I'll bring him back as soon as I can." Cas is short with the brother, then teleports back to Dean.

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