Chapter 10: The Reveal

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Cas closes the distance again, taking Dean's chin in hand, searching his eyes. "I've always been one of the most powerful beings, third to God and his archangels. I lead armies, and I have amassed my own strength. Being around you, though," Cas leans in, lips close to the other man's, "I feel powerless, tempted. I want to lose myself in you, and care for you in ways only I can provide." Cas pushes his power into Dean again, making him cry out, the crystalline fluid seeping down again.

Dean pants, his breath ruffling Castiel's hair. He fights the press of the teeth against his gums, against the call of the bloodlust. He doesn't want to attack Cas again, instead, he wants to understand what is causing the angel to act like this. His hazel eyes lock with Cas' blue ones, and he can see that Cas is holding himself in check. The angel's body is practically shuddering with the amount of control it's taking.

Cas reaches back with his other hand, grabbing the dripping washcloth from the bowl. He places the soft cloth against Dean's cheek, wiping away the blood. The men continue to hold eye contact in this moment. Cas continues to wipe away the dirt from Dean's face, then one drop of water drips from his chin, trailing down his chest.

Cas is distracted by that one drop, moving slowly, and lower, down the planes of Dean's muscles, and his stomach, disappearing into the hairs below. Dean whispers, "Cas, kiss me."

Castiel is taken aback. Looking back to Dean, his eyes narrowing, "Excuse me?"

"I want you to kiss me, maybe whatever this is... we can get it out of our systems and get on with curing me?" Dean posits, "You and I are ... well, there is something."

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