Chapter 1: Not Enough Time

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Dean makes a break from the motel, running towards some unknown destination. Any place to get some distance between him and Sam. He doesn't want to take the chance of staying and possibly killing him, especially when he can feel the vampiric change already corrupting his mind.

The miles pass by, in what seems an instant. The preternatural speed from the vampire blood already taking hold inside. Dean's ears are assaulted by loud music and the sounds of laughter. Unable to pull himself away from the allure, he steps out from the tree line, into a parking lot of a roadhouse-style bar.

Back in the motel room, Sam is scouring over the books. Trying to find any mention of a vampire cure. He's sure that he had come across one and damns himself for not marking it. Frustration takes hold, and he overturns the table. Books and papers go flying about and Sam screams out in rage. He slumps to the ground, defeated. Knowing that there is only one last hope to save Dean, the angel known as Castiel.

"Cas, I know that I don't really talk to you much. Let alone ask for favors," Sam begins his prayer, "but I really need you right now. You're the only one I can trust. Probably the only other person to care. Please come to me and lend me your aid."

Sam bows his head lower, waiting, hoping that Cas will not forsake him in his time of need. Although they have never been close like he is with Dean, Sam would do whatever he could for the angel, anytime he had need of him.

A light sound of ruffling feathers answers Sam's prayers. "Hello, Sam." The deep gravelly voice is music to his ears, as he looks up at Cas, tears streaming down Sam's face, and surrounded by the mess of papers and books, the aftermath of Sam's earlier tantrum.

Cas rushes to Sam's side. "What has happened here?" Cas begins, looking around the room at the mess, he looks at Sam, concerned. "Where's Dean?"

"He's gone Cas. We were out hunting vampires and were overwhelmed. One of them got the drop on us and force-fed Dean vampire blood. He was changing, Cas. When we got back to the room, I tried to keep him here. I told him I could heal him..." Sam tries to continue, but a sob steals his words from him.

Castiel pats Sam's shoulder, trying to calm the younger brother down. He's been with the Winchesters for many years now. He knows how strong a bond the two have, but he also can't deny his own feelings for Dean. A bond that may even rival that of brotherhood. A stab of pain lashes Cas, as he thinks about a world without Dean in it. It is unacceptable, and he knows he has to do whatever is in his power to bring Dean back. No matter the cost.

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