Chapter 3: The Purging

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Dean awakens, his head pounding, and his arms shackled above him to the wall. Pulling against the chains, he can feel that it is useless to fight. He isn't going to get away. Looking around the dimly lit room, he is unsure where he is. The entire room is heavily warded for everything. What kind of person would have a room like this?

To the right, the walls are lined with more shackles and other kinds of bonding materials. He laughs to himself because it reminds him of some kinky sex dungeon. He must have had an amazing night, especially if he was trussed up like this.

Exploring the room further with his eyes, he can see a table full of an array of "interrogation" tools that he has used on a few of his past prisoners. Fear seizes his mind at the thought of being under those utensils. This is not what he wanted to wake up to. Dean realizes that he has to find a way out of here, but how? There didn't appear to be a door anywhere in this room. Bringing back the question of who could possibly own such a place.

"Dean, again, I'm sorry to have you in a place like this." Cas' voice echoes in the room. "I don't know of a safer place to keep you than here. I also have to keep other people safe from you too, until I find a way to heal you."

"Cas, we can talk about this," Dean tries to hide the anger starting within him. How dare Cas betray him like this. How could he chain him in a room like this, knowing what he suffered in Hell? "Come out from wherever you're hiding, and we can make this right together, I know we can." Dean strains against the chains again, trying to spot Cas within the room.

Before Dean can react, Cas in front of him, pushing him back against the wall by his shoulders. Dean tries to push against the angel, but Cas is too strong. "Holding out on me, huh, Cas," Dean teases, resting against the wall.

"I don't know how many times I'm going to have to apologize for my actions this night, but know that I'm doing this because I care about you." Cas pushes in, closer to Dean, his face right in front of his. Placing his hands on either side of Dean's face, his holds his head still, willing Dean, through force, not to fight against his hold. Castiel's blue eyes fill Dean's vision, and a tingling begins in his brain.

"What are you doing Cas?" Dean hoarsely whispers, their faces so close, that his lips graze the angel's. Castiel is too deep in thought to answer, and the tingling turns into a low pulse, which pushes from Dean's brain and begins to flow throughout his body. The feeling is not painful, but quite the opposite and has his hairs, and other things, start to stand at attention.

Sucking in a huge amount of air, Dean cannot stop his fangs from retracting, and Cas' closeness is too much for him to handle. Taking a chance, Dean flicks his tongue along the angel's lips, trying to distract him. This ploy fails, and it seems that Cas is beyond any awareness of what is happening to his physical form.

The pulse continues and Dean's body begins to vibrate slowly with each pass of power. Closing his eyes, Dean is awash with a sense of pleasure he's never felt before. Trying hard to fight it, eventually, he gives himself over, to the feeling, and to Castiel who is still dangerously close and holding on. "Cas," he begs, "I can't..." Dean's voice trails off into a deep moan. His body shakes violently, spent with his release. The evidence apparent by the seeping wetness down his jeans. "Cas, please..." again Dean pleas for Cas to stop, and again his body quakes with another unbidden orgasm.

Dean tips his head forward, his lips sealing with Cas' this time. The vibrations still rocking his body, making him crazy with lust. Desperate to get Cas to stop, Dean kisses him. At first, it's light and probing, but as the pulses begin to grow in strength, the kiss turns into something more. He tries to press his body to Cas', but groans in frustration as the angel is just out of reach. He forces his tongue into Cas' mouth, and this breaks his concentration, finally, but not before one last push over that edge, and Dean explodes one last time with a growling scream.

Cas steps away from Dean, seemingly unfazed by the kiss, and lets go of his head, Dean sags in the chains, covered in sweat and his own seed. His pants a ruined mess, Cas shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I wasn't aware of what that power could do to you. I never meant to take this choice from you. I thought it would purify the vampire blood, as it does with sins. I'll be back to clean you." Cas says, the apology deep within his voice, as he disappears from the room.

Dean, weak from the power put into him, and the exertion of pleasure continues to hang in the cuffs. His whispered words almost lost to the hum of the room, "You're going to be the death of me."

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