Chapter 6: Filling in the Blanks

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Tipping his head, Dean studies Cas. "Cas, tell me what's happened. Why won't you let me go? What have I done?" The panic is thick in his voice, he is afraid of what his angel will tell him. He braces for the bad news.

"Dean, the vampire fight... you were turned. You and Sam had no time to react." Cas begins and is interrupted by Dean.

"But Cas, Sam has a spell that can cure me. I don't have to be a vampire forever. Yeah, it sucks for a while, but I'll do whatever I have to. I can't be like this forever Cas, I can't be. I have too many things that need to be done and I can't do it as a MONSTER." Dean screams his frustration, yanking again the shackles again.

"Dean..." Cas' voice is somber, "It's too late for the spells."

"Cas, no it isn't. I haven't drunk from anyone yet, right? Cas...... tell me I'm right..... I'm not that far gone......" Dean begs, a tear spilling from his eye and burning a path through the blood and grime on his face.

"You've already drunk... There was a woman at a bar. You took her into the trees nearby, that's how I found you. She was already dead at your feet. Then you came after me, and I needed to get you close, so I let you feed on me too, which knocked you out. Angel blood has that effect on monsters and people. I needed to get you here, and I knew you wouldn't just agree to be chained up. I'm so, so sorry Dean." Cas retraces the night for Dean, his voice tinged with sorrow.

"As for the rest of what has happened, I tried to use a power that I have on you. It's supposed to purge sins from people. It's very painful, normally... but on you, it had the opposite effect. I didn't understand what was happening until you broke my concentration with a kiss. I'm very sorry about that. If I would have known..." again, Cas is interrupted.

"Cas, it's okay. You had to do what needed to be done. Did the power work? Am I purged, or whatever? Can we just go home?" Dean's voice relays the defeat and hurt he feels, the regret.

"I wish it was that simple, after you ... let go... for the third time..." Cas voice falls away.

"THREE TIMES Cas?!?! What the hell!? In a row? No wonder I'm so tired, that's a new record, even for me." Dean tries to lighten the mood as he knows the other shoe is going to drop.

"Dean.. this is serious! I took you by force... I feel terrible." Cas looks at Dean, his blue eyes tortured.

"Cas, it's okay. You didn't know what was going to happen. I'm happy that it wasn't painful. Truthfully, I wouldn't mind another ride on that." Dean teases.

"You're incorrigible. Now, I have to get you cleaned up, this next part will not be pleasurable, but I will do my best to lessen the pain of it if I can. Dean, I have to remove your clothes. Is this okay?" Cas asked, trepidly.

"Cas, you can, but only if you'll respect me in the morning," Dean says with a grin, winking at the angel. His hands shaking in the cuffs is the only sign given that he is scared at what is coming next.

Shaking his head, Castiel can't help but smile at his friend. After rolling up his sleeves, he reaches for the scissors again. Right as Cas has the shears to the fabric, Dean makes a comment. "Promise to be gentle, and promise not to laugh." Cas screws up his face, "Dean I will always be gentle with you unless you tell me otherwise, and I what could I possible laugh about now?" The joke flying over Cas' head, but the tone of his voice, strikes a chord in Dean's heart. This angel, his angel, would never hurt him without a purpose. Knowledge of that makes Dean relax more in the bonds, and he gives himself over to Cas and the work that needs to be done. "Please save me, Cas." Dean chokes out.

Dropping the scissors on the table, Cas takes Dean face in his hands, pressing their foreheads together. "I promise you. I will not fail in this. I will get you back." Cas' gaze burns Dean's, the tension between them so thick, a person could drown in it. Cas caresses Dean's dirty face, "Now, let me get you cleaned up."

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