The Miller's Daughter

Start from the beginning

Snow raised her brow at me. "So it's ok for you to kill out of vengeance but not me? I thought of everyone here you'd understand."

I shrugged my shoulders. "My heart isn't pure and I do understand."

"You're heart isn't pure? Cas, you wanted revenge on Rumplestiltskin because of what he did to you, to your family. He's the reason why you never met your mother. Yet when you had the perfect opportunity you couldn't do it because he helped raise you. He took care of you. If your heart wasn't pure then you would have killed him on that ship."

I could have, but not with Emma guarding him. "I could have. I just chose not to," I glanced at the Crocodile, "it's better to see him take his last dying breath knowing I could have done something." He held his chest as he looked at the road. I looked back at Snow. "We love you, lass, that's why we don't want you doing this. Your heart's been pure all your life and we're keeping it that way."

Snow looked back between me and David. I'm right, she knows I'm right. But I could still see that small battle inside her head. That's the hardest part. Killing Cora might taint her heart and no one wants that.

Emma awkwardly walked around us and gave Rumple the quilt. "You ok?"

He weakly nodded. "Ah, I'm beginning to feel a bit stronger. Take me back to my shop. There's magic there can protect us."

David nodded before he and Bae grabbed him and helped him inside the truck.

"Let me guess, I get to go with Ruby," Henry stated.

"You got it, kid," Emma agreed. Then she saw me. I gave her a little wave with a sarcastic smile before she looked at Red. "Maybe you should take Jax with you."

Ok, this time I chuckled. "Oh, Emma. When are you going to learn to trust me?"

"When we find a way to stop Cora."

I tilted my head to the side. "Really? See there are things in that shop I can gain access to. With my memories back, I could tell which items you need. Sure, the Crocodile can but he's too weak to get them. Bae doesn't know his passcodes. My sword is back in the shop, so I could help you defend him incase Regina decides to attack."

"How are you going to help if you can't get invovled?" Emma challenged.

"Oh, that. See, yes, I did promise I would not get involved in Cora's plan. I'm not really getting involved with her plan if I don't know what it is. And you blokes already know she's in town. As far as I'm concern deals off ." My smirk got wider as I leaned closer to her. "The way I see it, Swan, you need me."

Emma looked towards Snow then at Red. Red shrugged her shoulders while Snow nodded. "You could really use all the help," she agreed with me. Hah. I love you, Red.

Henry smiled. "Yeah. Jax can help you guys stop Cora."

Emma gave Henry a look before she sighed in defeat. I grinned in victory.

"Fine, just get in the truck," she said before heading towards the back.

I smiled at Red before following the mother/daugher. At least someone is on my side.


I was rummaging through the top shelves looking for that magic chalk. I don't really trust Emma into looking for it without snooping around. Well, maybe she should have for this one because I had to reach for the small jar in the back. I kept curing under my breath as I got on my tipytoes, but someone reached over and got it for me. I looked back to see David holding the small jar.

"Thanks," I said as I grabbed it from him.

"What are friends for," he smiled.

I raised my brow at him. "I don't know, are we? Because, frankly, I don't have any friends that trust me anymore."

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