Capítulo Veintiuno

Start from the beginning

Ah. So they know what happened.

"You know, in all honesty, I actually feel great. Aside from the fact that my butt has gone numb. And my legs. And my arms. whole body." I say. 

I smile when I hear Don's raspy laugh from the other end.

"Good to know you're okay. Are you, uh, safe?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow.

"With Arsen? How can anyone not be safe?" I laugh, giving him a pointed look. As if realizing, he raises an eyebrow, not looking at me. I hide a smile.

Why did that make me smile?

"True," Don agrees. "So how is it with you and Arsen? Anything come up yet?" Don asks. I clear my throat.

"Um, no. Not...really. Everything's pretty much still the same," I say, scrunching my eyebrows when I realize I actually hesitated to say that.

What has changed, anyway? I feel like I owe Arsen something but I don't know what. I mean, he did kind of save my life and all. More than once, actually.

Don clearly noticed. "You sure?" He asks unsurely. I smirk.

"Yes, Don. I'm sure. Tell me about you guys. What have you all been doing without me?" I ask, feeling unusually homesick.

Funny how being cared for changes you. I don't think I've ever wanted to go to a place I've managed to call home this badly ever since Xena died. Or even before Dad left.

"Well, we've been looking up on this guy we're supposed to be stalking--uh, spying," He informs me. I giggle at that.

I certainly wouldn't call it spying, either.

Suddenly, Arsen snatches the phone out of my hand, which is when I notice the index finger on his right hand tapping profusely on the steering wheel.

"What have you found?" He demands on the phone.

I can hear Don answer almost straight away as if he knew Arsen would do something like snatch my phone off me. I glare at Arsen when he throws a look my way.

I was going to ask Don something. Jeez, he didn't have to snatch. 

After a while of them two conversing - or, more like arguing - he moves the phone away from his ear and passes it to me.

"It's Ameena," He says, his cold voice a little cooling in the car's almost painful heat.

I roll my eyes and take the phone, pressing it to my ear. "Ams?" I ask.

"I hope it's not the pizza place this time," She says. I laugh a little, happy to hear her voice.

"If I were you, I'd be over the moon that the pizza place was calling," I snort. I can almost hear her shaking her head on the other side.

"Obviously. So, how are you doing? You know, with being kidnapped and all," Ameena asks. I sigh.

"The more you guys ask, the more I feel like it's worse than I think," I say. 

From the corner of my peripheral vision, I see Arsen narrow his eyes and clench his jaw. Ameena clears her throat.

"And what does Arsen think?" She asks quietly, almost sensing my thoughts.

"When have I ever known the answer to that, Ameena?" I ask, giggling.

Inside, however, I feel like screaming with frustration. The night that I'd come back from Dorian's 'hostage' home, Arsen had been a little different, in some ways.

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