Chapter XVIII

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Shawn's POV
Carter Residence
Tuesday 1:02 A.M.

"Upstairs now! Change your clothes and in the morning I expect every last one of your electronics in the study room!"

"Yes Sir."

She scurried upstairs following my instructions. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I knew that when they hit there teenage years they would be rebellious, but damn no one prepared me for this.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of wine that Bey handed to me. I closed my eyes as the stress started to release. I could hear Bey creep up behind me and begin to massage my shoulders.

"What are we doing wrong?" I asked

"Nothing this is just them being teens. We both know we weren't angels at that age either."

"Yea but Bey the worst thing you've done was get your ear all pierced up. You did not sneak out to go to parties, and wear dresses like that. And then get almost arrested."

"Yea but I didn't have to face the peer pressure they face or life they live either."

"Bullshit, I don't care that they are famous kids. They should know discipline and right from wrong."

"I agree, but I'm tryna not have to whoop them like our mamas used to do us. Let's try to understand and let them explain.."

"I'm trying, but they have one more time before I can't be patient anymore."

She continued to rub my shoulder calming me and we kept discussing the earlier events.


Blue's POV
Carters' Residence
Tuesday 1:34 A.M.

I heard a door slam and faint crying disturbing me from my show. I looked at Sir, Símya, Rumi, and Sízyire that we're too into the show to notice.

"Hey y'all I'll be right back"

They mumbled a quick "ok" before returning to the dramatic dating show. I exited and followed the noise. It led me to Siyenna's room. I knocked and opened the door peeking in.

I saw her crying while putting her electronics in a pile on the bed.

"Yenna, are you ok and what are you wearing?" I asked after noticing her attire.

She looked back at me and put her head in her hands. I walked over to her and held her in my embrace.

"I really messed up Blue."

"Ok calm down, it's gonna be ok. Tell me what happened it can't be that bad."

"I snuck out with Shay and her sister, went to a party, there was a shooter and I almost got arrested."

I pulled back quick. "Woah Siyenna stop, is this a joke?"

"No, does it look like one?! I told you I really messed up. I know it was stupid to sneak out and as soon as we got there I wanted to turn around go back home. I tried to get Shay to take me back but she was too busy with Kasen. Then the shooter came. Ugh and now dad hates me."

Before I could speak our Dad took the words right out of my mouth.

"No I do not hate you."

He moved from the door frame and walked over to us.

"Now am I disappointed in you, hell yes. Is he upset, you bet cha. But does he hate you, absolutely not. Siyenna I love you with my whole heart. To be honest I wasn't even that mad until I saw you were ok. I was more worried than anything. Honey you could've been hurt badly. I don't think you understand we could've lost you."

He paused and started to tear up. Siyenna embraced him into a hug that he accepted.

"No I do understand. It was stupid and irresponsible. I'm sorry truly, I won't do it again."

She threw herself further into the hug they shared. He soothingly ran his hands through her hair. It's moments like this I'm grateful for dad. Because damn I was speechless. Although I've been bad somewhat I've never done this... other than the Bryan thing but that was different.

"I forgive you but you're still grounded."



Símya POV
Carter Residence
Tuesday 1:50 A.M.

I was walking past Siyenna's room when I heard faint mumbling. "What do I do with these things?"

I opened the door quietly and saw Siyenna examining a bag of pills. My mind roamed the wildest options. "What are you doing Siyenna. Please tell me your not doing what I think your doing!" She jumped up, threw the pills and shut her door. "Shhh, keep your voice down. They're Xanax, I think. Dave gave them to me. I'm trying to get rid of them."

I looked over at the baggie. "It's just stress reliever stuff they sometimes use it to get high."

"Oh" I thought for a moment about the stress I've been under with school and sports. All I'd need to do is take one to feel better probably. But I had to think of a way to get them away from Siyenna.

Acting skills don't fail me now. "I'll get rid of them."

"No I can't ask you to do that." She tried to wave me off.

"It's fine, I'll take care them. Just try and stay out trouble please." She picked up the baggie and handed it to me and gave me a tight hug. "Thank you".

"No problem."

Just a filler for the next chapter.

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