Chapter XIX

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Sir's POV
Talsman Private High School
Tuesday 5:55 A.M.

"Kasen did what!"

"Lower your voice!" Sízyire whispered.

"No! I can't believe this dude he's supposed to be my homie. He knows how I feel about you guys. As soon as he saw her, he should've backed off and sent her home. And on top of that he brought Dave around her!"

Dave was the one that tried to push drugs on us from the basketball park. So I know he probably tried something. To say I was upset was an understatement.

My family was my life. From the earliest age I can remember mom and dad taught us that family was number 1 next to God.

And on top of that I was the only boy out of 6 kids so I felt an extra responsibility to protect them. So if you fuck with them you, fuck with me. And I don't play those games.

"You gotta calm down."

"No! I'm gonna go confront both of these niggas. And let me find out either of them messed with or pushed drugs on her."

Before Z could stop me, I grabbed my stuff and ran out the house to my car. I threw everything in not caring about the damages to my stuff.

As soon as I saw my mom open the front door I was taking off down the street to get to school. With how angry I am; I was lucky that I didn't end up in a car accident.

As soon as I got there I hopped out and walked into the school. I looked left and right for Kasen and Dave, and once I spotted them my sister showed up and tried to stop me. As I walked forward, she tried to push me back.

"I just wanna talk."

"No, just let it go. It already happened."

"I just want to talk. I promise I won't cause a scene."

"Why, it's not that serious."

"Siyenna just let me handle this." I pushed past her and made my way through the flooded hallways. I could see Kasen on the side and he looked uneasy.

"Hey Sir..."

"Hey Kase. Did you go to that party last night?"


"Did you see anyone familiar?"


"You didn't see Siyenna there?"


"Oh so you did see her and you let her stay?"


"And on top of that you brought Dave's bum ass around her? And you know he sells drugs!"

He chuckled, "Bro I wasn't thinking straight. I'm so-"

"Yea I know. You've been like a brother to me since we were 5 and you gone throw it all away for him. To get high and look 'cool' with this ass!" I exclaimed pointing at Dave.

"Yo I'm standing right here!"

"Yea and I wasn't talking to you!"

At this point I was ready for him to throw a punch. We were forehead to forehead and Siyenna was trying to split us up.

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