Chapter III

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Carter Residence
3:55 P.M. Tuesday
Blue's POV

I walked in the house with Rumi and Sir right behind me arguing about if water is wet.

"Water can't be wet, because it makes things wet!" Sir exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and walked further into the house.

"Maaaa, SOS these two won't stop arguing about water."

We walked into the kitchen and were greeted by her warm hug.

"What about water?"

"Can you please tell Rumi that water is not wet?" Sir asked

"Yes it is." Rumi retorted.

They started back up and I rolled my eyes and groaned inwardly at the foolishness. I decided that I'd leave it to mom and grabbed a snack before heading upstairs to start this homework.

I walked in my room, sat down, and started the 2 packets of worksheets that were sadly calling my name.

After 30 or so minuets I was done. I scooted back from the desk and rolled in circles in my chair. I giggled at how fast I was going.

I stopped and waited for my dizziness to go away and when I opened my eyes there was a little girl in one of Rumi's old t-shirts and shorts.

I thought it was a hallucination so I slowly closed my eyes and opened them again and she was still there.

I shrieked and fell out the chair. "W-who are you?" I gasped and covered my mouth before I spoke again, "Are you an angel? Did I die? Oh lord don't take me now!"

I put my hand on my head doing a dramatic faint. My mom ran up the stairs and saw me on the floor.

"Girl if you don't stop being extra. You are still alive and I see you've met Sízyire"

I popped back up "Sí who?"

"Sízyire she is gonna be living with us for a while."

I looked at the little girl and couldn't lie she was so freaking adorable. I know I'm only 12 but children are my weakness. I love babysitting, even my own siblings when they are annoying me.

I got up and walked over to the little girl with a smile. "Hi, I'm Blue. I'm sorry I freaked out but I didn't know you were there. Do you wanna come chill in here while my mom starts dinner?"

She smiled and then nodded. I saw her eyes light up when she saw the squish mellow, and helped her get on my bed to sit next to it.

"Um Blue, can I talk to you for a second?", my mom asked.

"Yes ma'am"

I followed her outside the room.

She sighed, "ok Blue, I doubt you'll startle her but still I need you to be cautious with the way you act around her. She's very shy, doesn't speak much, and has been through a lot." I nodded

"So how long will she be staying in la casa?"

"Her and her 2 other sister are visiting for a while. I don't have an exact date yet."

"Oh ok ok.... wait other sisters?"

"Yes she's a triplet and they're about 6.

"And where are they?"

"In one of the guest rooms" I nodded.

"Ok, I'm gonna go cook dinner. You two have fun." I nodded with a smile and walked back in the room. Sízyire was cuddled up with my squish mellow.

"Ok kiddo, what do you wanna watch?" She shrugged.

"Um I'm not sure?"

"Do you like Disney"

"Disney?" She questioned very confused and I was stunned that she genuinely didn't know what it was.

"It's a good channel, how about I put it on and if you don't like it we change it to something else like Nickelodeon?"

"Ok" she lightly smiled.

Ravens Home was on and she looked like she really liked it. I stayed awake for about 15 minuets until I fell asleep. Not because it was boring but because I was tired. Today was a long day.

When I opened my eyes Sízyire was laying on my chest and I put my arms around her in a protective way.

I don't know what it was but I felt natural, even though I just met her. I guess that's just the type of person I am being that I'm an older sister and an empath like my mom.

When Rumi and Sir were born I was overprotective over them too. I always was there to help when I could. And with her I felt the same way. A sense of protectiveness and care. Soon I fell back into my sweet slumber.

                    3 Days Later

Carter Residence
7:46 P.M. Friday
Beyoncé's POV

Shawn and I decided that we'd introduce the girls to our immediate family tonight; since we planned on having a family dinner tonight anyways.

We're not going to tell everyone that we're adopting them. Just that we plan on having them for a long time.

Mainly because we have to see how they interact with our family and because the agency told us that they would have to come by tomorrow to make sure the girls are in a safe environment to let them stay here in our care.

So I don't want to reveal that we are fostering and possibly adopting until everything checks out.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard my mom talking to Shawn. I resumed cooking waiting for her to meet me in the kitchen.

"Hey baby"

"Hey mama, I'm glad you can make it."

"Of course, so what are you cooking?"

"Gumbo" I smiled

"Nice, I'm glad you've learned how to cook. For a while you had me worried."

"Yea yea" I laughed at my mother, there was a time I had everybody worried. I remember way back when I almost burned the ice water. Don't ask me how, but I was so close to it and no one has let me live it down.

As the rice began to boil I looked over at Shawn and thought it'd be a good time for me to check on the triplets. I cleared my throat. "Hey baby I'm going to go check on the triplets."

He nodded at me and I saw the sudden look of confusion appear on my moms face.

"Triplets? I know I'm getting old but I could've sworn you had twins."

"We do, but today we found these triplets. And... they're staying with us for a while."

"Giselle how do you find triplets in less than 24 hours."

"Very very long story."

She nodded, "I got time."

"Ok" I finished prepping the dinner and sat next to my mom at the counter.

"Well we were walking from the plane through the terminal and out to the car and..."

I began to tell her the whole story, purposely leaving out the whole adoption thing. Again I want to wait to reveal it if it happens.

"So what are you planning to do."

"Have them stay here for a while. What do you think I should do?"

"Honestly if it were me I'd either foster them or adopt. That agency seems like trash. But that's because I have time and am open to the idea."

"So you don't think that'd be rushing it?"

"No, not at all. They deserve a happy home. Especially going through all of that at the age of 6."

I nodded in agreement. I'm glad that she sees it from my point of view. The food was done, and I began to set the table. This should be an interesting dinner.

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